First of all, I am really sorry if I'm not giving you clear enough feedback.
Our group is primarily Xbox Live Gamers, but we also have members who play on other systems and then we have lively discussions about things ranging from cooking to board games to gardening.
It's more of an online community -- we used to be a pretty hard-core Halo Clan (and even beat Bungie in a Humpday Challenge!) but now we're focused more on the fun and camaraderie.
Part of my concern about being too console specific is that I don't want it to look dated when the next gen systems arrive. You might see that I have given Rev similar feedback about a couple of his designs.
A big part of the reason we liked #6 so much was the little dots - they seemed to symbolize community to us - as in individuals making up a larger piece. You probably didn't mean to do that, but it was pretty cool.
RE: having a wordmark in the top 5 - I realize this is confusing. I just thought it was a nicely done, clean wordmark and even though it's probably not going to win the contest, I wanted the artist to know how much I appreciate that clean design.
Does that help at all? I want to give you the information you need to make a great design.