Here is my latest and favorite so far. It is important to note that there is no use of shading using gradients only solid colors so the effects wont be lost on printing or embroidering. Eager to see what you think.
I like what you're trying to do here - incorporate the gaming theme. My comments would be that it's a little too platform specific and that I feel like the "8BB" is rather shoe-horned into the image. I would rather have a cleaner image with the 8BB below. For example, we might do shirts with just the image on the front and not even identify it as "8BB."
I hope that helps. I don't hate them, I just think we can work towards something better.
Does that make sense? If not, I will try to explain it better later.
Thats a shame. But not to worry I will go back to the drawing board. If I understand you correctly you are after a mark that doesnt really have 8BB in it, but if this is the case your 3rd pick confuses me. Are you after something abstract? or specific to gaming? and your breif says you are focused on XBox gaming so this is why i went that way (you may want to change that or elaborate on it).
It would help if you could clarify further before I start redesigning. Thanks for the feedback. Biink.
First of all, I am really sorry if I'm not giving you clear enough feedback.
Our group is primarily Xbox Live Gamers, but we also have members who play on other systems and then we have lively discussions about things ranging from cooking to board games to gardening.
It's more of an online community -- we used to be a pretty hard-core Halo Clan (and even beat Bungie in a Humpday Challenge!) but now we're focused more on the fun and camaraderie.
Part of my concern about being too console specific is that I don't want it to look dated when the next gen systems arrive. You might see that I have given Rev similar feedback about a couple of his designs.
A big part of the reason we liked #6 so much was the little dots - they seemed to symbolize community to us - as in individuals making up a larger piece. You probably didn't mean to do that, but it was pretty cool.
RE: having a wordmark in the top 5 - I realize this is confusing. I just thought it was a nicely done, clean wordmark and even though it's probably not going to win the contest, I wanted the artist to know how much I appreciate that clean design.
Does that help at all? I want to give you the information you need to make a great design.
Here is my latest submission. I have trried to go with something totally different other entries and create a mascot at the same time as creating a logo. I feel this will prevent dating of the mark. It also doesnt feature the number 8 but rather subtly suggests it with the use of 8 stars representing both an award level and group of people.
Here is my latest submission. I have trried to go with something totally different other entries and create a mascot at the same time as creating a logo. I feel this will prevent dating of the mark. It also doesnt feature the number 8 but rather subtly suggests it with the use of 8 stars representing both an award level and group of people.
I like the fact that you tried something completely different and your creative use of the 8 stars. Really cool concept. I'm going to have to look at it/consider it for a bit.