This is a very interesting direction. I wonder what we'd have if we took #42 and rotated the combined "68" image 90 degrees counterclockwise and laid it in its side. Also, choose one color for that component rather than a montage of color. The "6" in the combo "68" looks like an entry into an infinite loop. What do you think?
I think this is very interesting. The possibilities stretch to infinity!
The symbol you've created here obviously differs from the typical infinity symbol due to the top of the "6". I wonder how we could subtly illustrate or indicate that the top of the "6" is a starting point, the place where we enter the infinite loop? An arrow? What do you think?
Thanks for your hard work! I'm wondering if each of you can take a shot at a logo that includes both the numerals "68" and the phrase "sixty-eight" along with the word "digital"
for example:
sixty-eight 68 digital
68 sixty-eight digital
Please post your work and let me know if you have questions.