Hi hero thank you for your work. We really like your design it looks simple and nice and suitable for web. will you work on the design by considering the printable version (both colored and black) of the logo because when we print out (black and white) logo design looks similar to old one and it doesnt attract to much. #85 style is proper for black&white print out. Would you please considert it thank you
Hi heru we really like the coloring it attracts people in our company but their opinion is that the icon and style it is written resemble our old logo would you consider it and try something different in the icon design like other contestants do.
Hi heru our board of directors choose your logo entry#84 and you are the finalist but before it would you please change the subtitle as "Kablo ve Profil Sanayi ve Tic.A.Ş." and make the subtitle color more readable as in entry #70 Congratulations :)