dear contest holder here are my entries for your logo just to make a start. I hope you like them entries #8 #9 #10 If you need revisions please feel free to contact me kind regards Tzina lotous creative
Tzina, great work! Nice in circle like 10 Nice palms 2 sides like 22 Nice river etc like 8 Nice sun like 9 Nice roses like 10 Nice white roses points (little white flowers) like 22 We wont put the log in vinil in a metal ovoid, circle like 10 and in a wood. If put this in one logo i present my client whit other 2 and fight for you, my favorite. Lot of thanks dear artist.
Can you do a deffinitive one whit this elements? 1-Ovoid logo form like 10 2-Palms in 2 sides like 22 3-River etc like 8 4-Sun like 9 5-Roses like 10 6-Little white flowers like 22
dear contest holder here is a revised entry with the adjustments you requested. #40 If you need revisions please feel free to contact me kind regards Tzina lotous creative
thank you :) here are entries with the modifications you requested. #41 #42 If you need adjustments please feel free to contact me kind regards Tzina lotus creative
thank you If you can think of any variations you would like to see, just let me know. but at this point of the contest only the first ranked designer can submit variations. If you think ou can switch the rankings in order for me to submit variations , I would be more than happy to provide them for you. kind regards Tzina lotous creative
Hello I have prepared for you some variations whithout the roses If you think you can switch the rankings in order for me to submit the new variations , please just let me know kind regards Tzina lotous creative