Thanks for submitting. I like the idea of the type of mark on #44, but I'm looking for a completely unique (at least to me...) mark. The mark to me on #24 seems to be simple but unique and kind of plays into a developing tag line 'Business - Technology - Trust' since there are three pieces to it that strikes me as 3 pieces collaborating. Any ideas along those lines?
The mark on #46 is looking good. The name needs a little more pizzazz. Seems a bit flat. It also seems like the name somehow nees to tie in the green? Also, maybe the tagline 'Business - Technology - Trust' can be different colors associating with the colors in the mark?
You'll notice that my 1st ranked entry has been withdrawn for the time being. Please do not worry. I am having a dispute with a fellow designer who is bent on challenging it in the public forum as he thinks it is too similar to another design I did 2 years ago. I disagree with him, however, whenever, someone makes a charge like that, it makes the whole contest a drag for all parties, so I have submitted an updated version for you. I am confident it has a more commanding presence than my previous effort.