#220 I would LOVE this logo if it was not shaded or gradient, and if the 'ed' was in a thicker, more easily readable font...this looks great! (the shading is visually pleasing, but we want to simplify for reproduction/printing)
#159 I like this for the same reason as I like #220, and it doesn't have the shading, but something about the 'ed' sticking out there and being flat...I dunno, do like this one too though.
#225 is awesome but we're trying to move away from red, sorry I should've mentioned that above, (it's on the main page). Your color combo is great, but would love to see something that uses the green from #223.
the "ED" looks better, but it maybe a little /too/ thick now. is there a happy middle ground?
also, in retrospect, we liked the shading/lighting effects you used in #220 after all :)
between all of these, the "42" looks nicest in #159 because the "ED" doesn't cover it too, much, with #220 being a close second place. the problem with 159 is that the ED looks too odd sticking out of the side of 42, and the problem with 220 is that the ED is too small to read except at large sizes.
i wonder how it would look to have #220, but wit the "ed" on the top surface of the 2, near the right edge?
or maybe to the side, as in #159, but much smaller, like a superscript?