I kind of like these entries (#31 and #21), although I'm afraid that it is too hard for most people to see "42ed" in the design. I see it because I'm looking for it, but otherwise, I might mistake the letters for F and R, which could be a bit confusing.
Maybe if the 4 didn't extend all the way to the bottom of the 2? Or if there was more delineation between the 4 and the E, and the D and the 2?
Does that make sense? Hope I’m not being too critical, as I do think these are good ideas, just not /quite/ what I'm looking for...
#389 still seemed too angular to us. still liking #354, but it looks like there are two places where we should see white through the 4 and the 2, but instead there is only dark gray. Do you see where I mean?
We greatly appreciate the submissions and look forward to any additional entries! Good luck!