I think it is interesting, can you try it with Green, Grey, blue (not sure which) , I want to reinforce the Cleantech nature of it. But really cool concept, also can you play with the script of the ventures (less Fancy)
I really like the square with the leaf and glowing wire. Can you change the font to something resembling entry number 57 which has a little more technical look to it? Also make the 3 word slogan more of a block font similar to Arial or something like that.
#82 has "Venture" with a more modern/tech font also "innovation insight integrity" I put a large dot separating the words instead of a hyphen or vertical bar!
#119 has a line through Venture that lines up with the wire in the box to add motion and a tech look to the stock font #120 has brighter green leaves...
If you are worried about displaying a unusual font on a website site: If the logo with text is displayed as an image everybody can see it as it is suppose to look. Fonts displayed on the web are all client side based (users computer not the server) and there is no way all your web visitors are going to have the font you need on their computer, that is why you display odd font text as an image because all computers,browsers, and operating systems show images the same.