I was wondering who would be the first designer to push the 3 & D together :)...that was the first concept we came up with, and unbelievably #7 and #6 are almost exact replicas of those logos (spooky)! That said, I still like that concept but...
#8, 9 and 10 are just so cool that it would be hard to go back to the original concept. I absolutely love the cube - makes the 3D really "pop".
Specifically, #8 and #9 are easier to read/understand at first glance than #10, but i still like what you've done with the cube in #10 but it doesn't bring out the 3D pop like #8 and #9 do. #9 is tops right now b/c i really like the color combination.
ArtOne - thank you for the updates. Your designs are really outstanding.
Regarding the latest submissions - would you mind putting them all against a white background? the logo will need to look great against black & white background.
#48 - i love the shadow coming off the "D" - can you incorporate that into some of the other designs?
#49 - can you rotate a few more color combinations on Digital? I really like the blue, but not wild about the orange in this one.
#72 - make the "3D" black #74 - make the "3D" white
for both - add a cube with a top like in #9 and #48
i'm very close to a decision - it's between your design and the other one in the top spot - leaning towards yours b/c it immediately says "3D" and it's the most versatile with various backgrounds. Thank you again!