These designs are great as they convey a feeling of speed and movement. They are equally as interesting. However, the feeling of connecting businesses and money is not here just yet. I would be interested to see some interpretations which touch upon the networking aspects of our work.
Hello dskaali, so sorry for my own lately submission, i've try to create more idea hope you love this.. if not yet please give another feedback for me while i'm try to thinking another great concept...
I like #42 and #39, but can you better integrate the red/orange bit on the left with the letters? Also, the end-arrow (on the right) is good, but the super-long "x" is not really needed now that you've removed the "speedometer" since your original design.
The shorter "x" is definitely better (on #59 and #60), but with the left-side graphic the extended "x" seems unnecessary. It just seems to be a remnant from the older speedometer design.
By "integrate" into the letters, I meant more than just color. Shape as well. For example, the red/orange bit could replace the end-arrow on the right side.
In short, #59 and #60 are still too busy (1. red/orange left side part, 2. extended "x", 3. right-side arrow). I think just one of these three would be better than all three. For, removing any extension on "x" and integrating the red/orange layered bit on the right side in place of the little arrow.