Stacy Goldberg's What's In Your Cart? TMLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Stacy Goldberg's What's In Your Cart? TM

Stacy Goldberg's What's In Your Cart? TM has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 174 designs from 37 different designers from around the world.
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Hi Nancy,
Just a few changes:
We like your logo design and would like to have Stacy Goldberg with a more feminine font and upper and lower case for whats in your cart?
Please remove SG initials.

If you can show us a couple alternates also on this theme we would really appreciate it.
Thank you

12 years ago
Entry # 89
Could you put a break in the blue circle between stacy goldberg and whats in your cart so more white space shows?
Move the leaf to the top of the circle to represent a blueberry "look"
A more flowing design not so confined.

Please change font on Whats in Your Cart to a more current font and Y and C need to be caps
I do like upper and lower case style

I like the font in my name

Can the green be darker tone

Like background blue that looks like a denim but concerned about printing costs. Do you have any feed back on this concern?if more lets do solid

Can cart be more abstract like entry # 122 or #124?

Thank you
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's the design without the texture. Distressing is quite popular, you can use it as you please. These days digital printing makes it highly affordable!

(This comment references Entry #149)
12 years ago
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