I like how you worked image of t-shirt into the design. Pretty creative approach! Keep in mind that our core market are white-tailed deer hunters and so the head/face of this deer looks more cow-like. I would like to see the bottom nose/mouth area of deer's head reworked. (Fill in white circle and imitate more of the nose pad of a white-tailed deer) The shape of a white-tailed deer's head goes from broad top of head to narrow nose/mouth, like an inverted triangle. (reference any whitetail deer photo on web or search whitail deer skull and you will see what I am referencing. You will also see examples of large trophy deer racks that show the sice of beams and tines. We are looking for a nice 10 pointer, no drop tines, a bit more mass then your current logo and showing attitude. Font appears too "Star Wars" to me. I suggest a font less styled, and balances out well with deer head. Looking forward to seeing more from you. Thanks.
Face looks a lot better. Rack still needs adjustments. (Please see my comments above)
If you open the contests pdf you will see examples of our competitor's logos, the shape, weight, length and # of tines (Points) of the rack. Like the general shape and angle of #14, move senter tines in closer, add a tine to each side of rack making it a 10 pointer. #38 rack tines are way too short and rounded. Referencing the attached contest pdf and other white-tailed deer trophy buck racks on the web will get you examples that are closer to what we want.