Hello there, welcome to my contest! You've sent some interesting designs, however they are a bit too elaborate for what i want, sorry! I want fewer lines in general. Please feel free to try again, and please note I want all font in lower case. Thank you.
Dear Renata, thank you so much for giving me a feedback and spending your time even if my entries are not due to your feeling. It is not easy that a Contest Holder could be so ethical. I fear that now the others designers have already done what that was possible to do about your briefing, but I'll try my best searching something of really sipmple, just for your gentleness. Best regards madam, and excuse me for my english...
Thank your for your kind words! I really believe that everybody deserves attention, you are all talented professionals. And who knows, even the latecomers could present a new idea. I agree at this point I have explored everything it is a matter of taste and trying to feel which one represents my brand better. Will need advice from some friends because so many beautiful logos, it is tough! Your idea is very simple and very nice, beautiful. I believe you have a strong concept there, you managed to make an image that doesn't look too much like a flower and it is a mandala which is what i wanted. I will consider it carefully as an option. In fact it is so good in itself i don't need to ask you for modifications. Can you just send me a couple of options of different fonts? I like the one on #242 but would like to see more. Grazie Mille!
I don't want to keep your hopes up but we may have a winner...i still need to show to my partner to hear her opinion, but I love it! So, besides the font, i need you to send me: - the same image with thicker lines, it's gorgeous but it is too fine and it could be hard to print. - a couple of different fonts like I asked above. Something feminine, modern, sleek without being too technological looking. Don't like elaborate fonts with serifs. The idea I want to give is elegance and femininity. - an option playing with the words a bit, making a different diagram using the symbol and the words. Looking forward to your revisions. Thank you!
Ok madam, thanks so much. it's beautyfull to find someone with a similar heart in the other part of the world! Since now I was in coaching with a woman (I'm a life coach too and I love it). Now I'll work for you. Give me 15 minutes please. Best regards. sergio
here is the first revision: image with thicker lines, font AvantGarde, very feminine for me. The mandala, I want to tell you, is made with a single shape of an egg (example of perfection and beauty), and I've repeat it with fifferent degrees, to form a flower. Back soon with new proposals
The last. Font: Opificio I hope that some of new revisions could be good for you, and I rest at your disposal if you need something else. Thanks again Mrs. Renata.
I have to think this through a bit during the day, going to do a little research to give you a final answer. I like #288 and #290 because they are unique, doesn't feel like i've seen it before. They are so similar but between the two, I prefer #290. But you do have a point with Helvetica Neue #287. It is very clean and it blends in well with the logo. And there's a phycological aspect, i think it brings an idea of familiarity, since it's a font used widely. My business is a new concept in Brazil so it won't be easy in the beginning, and I want to cater to as much people as possible. What do you think? Interesting you are working with coaching, I think it means you are interested in self-development and trying to help others do the same and this is great. The world needs this kind of energy. My business is about making a difference too, but in women's health, and not forgetting the beauty. Please call me just Renata, Mrs. makes me feel old! :) Will let you know if I need anything else, grazie! P.S. Io parlo un po de italiano.
You're really pleasant (sei proprio simpatica). I can understand your concerns (posso capire i tuoi dubbi) and I can give you some advice (e posso darti qualche consiglio) on how I'd move if I were in your shoes (se fossi nei tuoi panni). As you have rightly identified (come giustamente hai individuato), the font Helvetica is internatonal and timeless (il carattere Helvetica è internazionale e senza tempo), so I think it's the right choice (quindi penso sia la scelta giusta) to be more easily identified with your business (per essere facilmente identificata con la tua azienda). Between #288 and #290 I agree with you: #290 is more sweet. (tra il 288 e il 290 sono d'accordo con te: il 290 è più dolce). I rest at your disposal in the next hour, then I've a classroom for a training in analogical psychology. It was nice to meet you, thanks a lot.
Ciao Sergio, The contest is almost offically over, but I am pleased to say that you are the winner! My partner loves the logo as much as I do. We decided to go for the font on #290, Kabel, we think it is more unique. The symbol and font are approved. So now I just want you to present a few variations on how to dispose the name of the company with the symbol. But I imagine it's included in the package, small variations after the contest is oficially over. - I want to see a horizontal option, if you know what I mean, a couple of different ways to use the word "beleza" and "organica" (ex: on top of each other, or on the side of each other, etc.) - Also a negative/positive view, if we need that for any print material. - I want to see a color on the background of the symbol, a little bubble of color around it maybe? - Pantene color suggestions for the print material. It has been a pleasure, grazie mille! Renata
I'm very happy and I thank you so much. First of all here is my private email, if the site does not work: sergio@omaxi.net. Now I've just finish the training, here it's midnight, and I have to sleep because my eyes are broken. I will sleep very well, thanks for this wonderful victory. Tomorrow early morning I'll wake up and I'll start to work for you, satisfying each of your requests. I'll upload everything before our noon and approximately your 8 in the morning. Then, when you'll be satisfied, I'll start uploading the ultimate executive files that you can handle both in typography and in web. Good evening for you and good night for me... :-)
dear Renata, for your kindness is a problem arose: you made me winner too soon and now I can not upload the ultimate files in the site because the contest has been closed. Could you write me your private email address to sergio@omaxi.net, so I can send you all the projects in unique compressed zip files? I fear that now is the only way. Your heart is too big... :-) Meanwhile I prepare the files. Good morning.
This site is a bit 'absurd: the winner designer, when the contest is closed, can upload only two kinds of files: one JPG and one EPS. I know that the CH will need also a PNG file, with a transparent background for his web site, and other revisions, with different provisions of the images. So I prepared a complete compressed folder for you, in wich you'll find everithing you need, but I need your email address to send it. I look forward for your address.
The compressed folder is on 15 megabyte, so when you give me your address I will send you a link from where you'll download the folder. The service is STEEKR: it's very safe.