Entry#33: we like the way you've incorporated the logo with the person. Can we see more variations of this concept? Also, can we see it in different colors?
Another concept would be to have the people be the formation of the lotus flower.
Another concept would be to add the lotus stem to the image.
More variation ideas for Entry #45 could be the concept you did for 7th Chakra. Another idea, if there is a way to incorporate the text into the logo more. For example, doing something with the 360, the '0' or Living.
Entry #63: 1) can you add a strong white glowing effect in the middle of the lotus flower (base of the people's feet)? 2) can you add a reflection under the logo?
#96: please remove the glow. Keep the reflections, however the lotus flower reflection is cutting off the top portion of the text of 360Living. Please fix it so that the reflection is still there, but not cutting off the text. Thank you.
Entry #105: can you show this with the same two color combination as entry #69 (green and orange alternating people for the flower, and then orange for 360 and green for living)