And instead of the flower looking like a vine with several flowers branching off, could it look more like a bouquet? Like the bell of a trumpet--narrow at the bottom, wide at the top where the flowers are:$PD$
Hello Sir, I have upload your requested update (refine the flower and make it a bouquet style), but as you may know because I am new to this site, my entries need to be manually reviewed by Logo Tournament staff before released to the contest, I already contacted them but it seems because of today is saturday / holiday maybe they are not in the office right now?
Anyway I already submit the 20 entries quota they need to allow me to enter contest without needing their manual review - so I am sure as soon as the LT staff are in the office or read my message this delayed response on your feedback is not happening again.
Thank you for your understanding sir, H20
ps:could you leave a comment here letting me know that you read this message.