René Estes PhoenixLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / René Estes Phoenix
René Estes Phoenix has selected their winning logo design.
For $675 they received 319 designs
from 58 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Rising from the ashes is a cohort of micro decisions
What We Do
The phoenix who rises from the ashes makes a cohort of micro-decisions that make the rise possible; in this podcast, we explore the micro-decisions that bring the outcomes they are living with, comparing where decisions predicted the outcomes desired and undesired paths.
The audience is women who have recently exited a long-term relationship and are searching for the phoenix that resides within them.
The audience is women who have recently exited a long-term relationship and are searching for the phoenix that resides within them.
Color Preferences
Red-Orange like fire
Blue-green-like teal for calm, wealth, and healing.
Black and gray for outlining and truncating the design
Blue-green-like teal for calm, wealth, and healing.
Black and gray for outlining and truncating the design
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I want the phoenix bird to rise from its ashes and have elements of fire on the tail of the bird.
Style Inspiration