tomorrow i will try crisp golds and glowy stuff. etc..i wont be offended if you don't like ...its my style to brain storm in this way to solidify an idea.. but time is running out..thats why i just made a start.
HAHA! number #32 is AWSOME! Its perfect for an interior picture and t shirt!!! Its not quite what we want for an exterior sign logo. I may have misslead you a bit on my message. We do want it to pass the vibe of our shop in the name & logo, thats what you did! Its a super cool logo that makes you wanna look at it for a long time! I like the eye color & how its also the rims, I like how the glases are also a road, the hat is like a shroom its da shit! LOL! its a play on images!!! Its just a bit to much on the "drug" trippy side for a storefront sign though. I want it to have the same type effect on it but not in reference to drugs. Something that makes you wanna look at it for more that a glance but is appealing to all ages, young & old, stoners & squares.
Waddup! Dig the logo, I like the black n white one without the guy, but like the background arrow thing going on in the background with the guy. The one with the guy reminds me of a 4 wheeler or something??? The black and white needs color? metalic reflective look? the font needs to be different & colored ? I like wher its going though, I think this can definately be fine tuned to be the one!
i have emailed my entry ..if you like it put number 5 up to one then legally i think i can change my entry to the one i emailed. Just a thought. ...dont want to step on anyones check first.