16’ Wide Vinyl FlooringLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / 16’ Wide Vinyl Flooring
16’ Wide Vinyl Flooring has selected their winning logo design.
For $875 they received 381 designs
from 48 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We’re a mobile flooring store that sells vinyl flooring.
Color Preferences
Use all colors of the rainbow or I am open to options.
Use colors of what just got uploaded. 80’s style workout clothes.
Use colors of what just got uploaded. 80’s style workout clothes.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I sell one product only. It’s a roll vinyl flooring. I made the logo that’s on this van with a simple art application back in 2007. I am opened to ideas but that is the basic idea behind this project. Thank you may the best artist win.
Please do not put "sales and installation" nor the phone number.
Please do not put "sales and installation" nor the phone number.