33306Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / 33306

33306 has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 70 designs from 13 different designers from around the world.


Entry #32

Can you do the dress a bit smaller please and change the font type as well?
I want it more elegant
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi apavli!

Could you perhaps point to a font that more closely lines up with your liking? That would be so helpful!

for this one, I had picked a font where the strokes were similar to the strokes in the dress illustration.

I am happy to offer some more options but would like to understand what 'elegant' means to you. :)

Thanks again for considering my design!

14 years ago
I dont have any specific font type in mint. I just want to see the same logo in different types.
I might like it if you do the dress smaller though.
14 years ago
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