You are becoming a poultry specialist now :) I hope that you didn't already start to tear your hair for all these details. That's probably the the fate of talented and engaged designers that clients always come with new requests ;)
However, we are close to perfect. He hens plumage is lovely that way – only that the fluffy part should be limited to her but, so please add 3-4 scaly feathers where marked.
Could you then please just combine the hen's head and throat in #108 (which is much more characteristic) with her body here in #111? Also please keep the rooster from #108 unmodified. He was already perfect that way :) TY
To be honest, I didn't expect that we would go so deep into the details. One can get lost in details, isn't it? :DDD
Yes, unifying would be great. The rooster was perfect in version #108, also the hens head (even if the back of her head looked a bit ragged, but all together the head looked pretty realistic). Therefore, would it be possible to combine #108 and #110?
The breast and tail plumage of the new hen looks very nice, just please remove the five upstanding feathers at her back to obtain an outline like traced.
I know what you mean regarding the rooster being in good shape – he looks great, but I made a try with the photographs putting the rooster into the front. He then looked way too dominant. Also hen left, rooster right didn't look good. The way you arranged the two is just perfect.
To be honest, it's a kind of a challenge for me, to find a way to streamline work on such complex illustration. Eg, now I have a library of different feathers ;)
Any comments are welcome. And the shape of the feathers now can be changed instantly :) BTW I would like to unify the look of the chest for both birds?
As for the angular breast, maybe the rooster should be in the front? IMHO he is in better shape :)
I didn't notice that your comment is that elaborate! Just read the header, thinking I will be right back with the new version... but it took some time. Now I'm not sure if I have addressed all the remarks.
No, no need for a search ;) I think, I can explain on the basis of the pictures of our hens:
Actually both, the white and the black hen have a perfect outline – only the plumage of the white hen's tail is a bit too fluffy (and the picture of the black hen doesn't show her back well). Both hens, however, have their head erected and therefore it is higher than the tail.
To recap, the form of the white hen's tail – looking like a pompom – is standard, plumage sitting closer though. Highest point of pompom at eye's height. TY :)
The thing is, that online you find many, many pictures of hens which don't match with the breed standard. Also every country has a focus on different aspects. This said, I want to assure you, that the first version of the hen was very close to ideal.
Is it possible to send links to pictures here? I'll see if I find a picture to demonstrate the perfect outline.
You've put so much work in the details of her feathers now, but I must admit that I like the way you draw the plumage on the breast of the rooster better (with less details). Could you adjust the hen's breast plumage in that way?
The hen's head looks lovely now.
After you mentioned that it's still a young hen, I've gone through many pics of grown blue Orpington bantams. And in fact, there is a big difference.
Among others, the shape of the tail you mentioned. What affects the whole image is that feathers have distinct shapes, types, and layouts. I decided to change the way of drawing feathers, as it gives me more options to apply some adjustments. Any amendments can be applied easily if needed. Just let me know.
I've redrawn most parts of the hen. Right now, I'm verifying and modifying the shape of the tail, so there are no feathers yet.
Also, I'm going to change the lower part of the rooster so it looks similar, in a matter of manner. Also, make the combs brighter.
As you see, it's still a work in progress.
Thank you!
Just small details, if I may:
– for the hen I would love to see the plumage at the back of her head sitting closer i.e. less ragged,
– the feathers at her breast a bit more scaly (i.e. more lines touching each other, just like at the breast of the rooster)
– her eye a bit less prominent (appears a bit too large in comparison with the roosters's eye),
– the edge of the plumage at her lower backside like that of the rooster (i.e. not a line)
– and to top it all: the breed standard says that the top of the hen's tail ideally should be at the height of her eye and the third feather (from the back) is the highest ...
The grey hen in the picture was still young and not fully developped, but it would be great to have this aspect pictured in the logo :) TY
Thank you for all your flattering comments :). I'm going to prepare the layout with hen next to the rooster.
Unfortunately, today we have a holiday, hence a long weekend. I'm out and will be back Monday. I'm sorry for the delay. However, there are no time limitations for working on a first-ranked logo. I'll get right on it when I get back home. Once again, sorry for the holdup.
This design still is our favourite :)
Regarding a design with rooster and hen, we think that these shouldn't stand separately, but together. Please see the new attachements to the brief. TY
The way you pictured the rooster is too beautiful, to let the attention be drawn that much on the title. Even if the 3D look is very nice, I guess it's better to keep the type part simple.
This design is our favorite right now. Very classy for drawing, type and selection of colours.
As the breed was developed in the 1920's the font fits very well.
Maybe the combination with a hen would be perfect. As the title "kleine blaue Würfel" is in plural, two animals i.e. rooster and hen together makes sense. I will look for another picture of a hen that might match well.
Also on the photo it looks like there's a bump – that's because he puts the chest very much out :D
I agree, in the logo the chest could be slightly (only slightly) smoother ;)
I have to admit that the layout is basic. I've started with illustrations.
When I get it right, I'm going to work on the rest of the logo. Please, check the rooster #60. It is a line art for now, but I'm going to work on the shades of plumage as well.
Hahah, yes that's right. I'll try to mark wing and tail for you ;)
A little comb would be nice and the breast not so round – the grey one is a very young hen with the breast not yet proper formed.
I'm aware that you chose the font to underline the cubic aspect, but we'd prefer a "smoother" look going well together with the font on our website. TY
Actually, this illustration was based on the third proto. But it was hard to guess where is a wing, and where the tail starts. I thought, maybe they just look that odd :) I'll try a roster this time, alright?
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Once again, please give me some time to "clean up" the illustration and prepare the files.
Surely, I'm not a poultry specialist, but... this tail and wing of the hen needed some more definition ;) Please, see entry #112. Thanks!
However, we are close to perfect. He hens plumage is lovely that way – only that the fluffy part should be limited to her but, so please add 3-4 scaly feathers where marked.
Could you then please just combine the hen's head and throat in #108 (which is much more characteristic) with her body here in #111? Also please keep the rooster from #108 unmodified. He was already perfect that way :) TY
Could you please take a look at #111?
Yes, unifying would be great. The rooster was perfect in version #108, also the hens head (even if the back of her head looked a bit ragged, but all together the head looked pretty realistic). Therefore, would it be possible to combine #108 and #110?
The breast and tail plumage of the new hen looks very nice, just please remove the five upstanding feathers at her back to obtain an outline like traced.
I know what you mean regarding the rooster being in good shape – he looks great, but I made a try with the photographs putting the rooster into the front. He then looked way too dominant. Also hen left, rooster right didn't look good. The way you arranged the two is just perfect.
Any comments are welcome. And the shape of the feathers now can be changed instantly :) BTW I would like to unify the look of the chest for both birds?
As for the angular breast, maybe the rooster should be in the front? IMHO he is in better shape :)
Anyway, please see entry #110.
Actually both, the white and the black hen have a perfect outline – only the plumage of the white hen's tail is a bit too fluffy (and the picture of the black hen doesn't show her back well). Both hens, however, have their head erected and therefore it is higher than the tail.
To recap, the form of the white hen's tail – looking like a pompom – is standard, plumage sitting closer though. Highest point of pompom at eye's height. TY :)
The thing is, that online you find many, many pictures of hens which don't match with the breed standard. Also every country has a focus on different aspects. This said, I want to assure you, that the first version of the hen was very close to ideal.
Is it possible to send links to pictures here? I'll see if I find a picture to demonstrate the perfect outline.
You've put so much work in the details of her feathers now, but I must admit that I like the way you draw the plumage on the breast of the rooster better (with less details). Could you adjust the hen's breast plumage in that way?
The hen's head looks lovely now.
Among others, the shape of the tail you mentioned. What affects the whole image is that feathers have distinct shapes, types, and layouts. I decided to change the way of drawing feathers, as it gives me more options to apply some adjustments. Any amendments can be applied easily if needed. Just let me know.
I've redrawn most parts of the hen. Right now, I'm verifying and modifying the shape of the tail, so there are no feathers yet.
Also, I'm going to change the lower part of the rooster so it looks similar, in a matter of manner. Also, make the combs brighter.
As you see, it's still a work in progress.
Thank you!
Just small details, if I may:
– for the hen I would love to see the plumage at the back of her head sitting closer i.e. less ragged,
– the feathers at her breast a bit more scaly (i.e. more lines touching each other, just like at the breast of the rooster)
– her eye a bit less prominent (appears a bit too large in comparison with the roosters's eye),
– the edge of the plumage at her lower backside like that of the rooster (i.e. not a line)
– and to top it all: the breed standard says that the top of the hen's tail ideally should be at the height of her eye and the third feather (from the back) is the highest ...
The grey hen in the picture was still young and not fully developped, but it would be great to have this aspect pictured in the logo :) TY
Thank you for your patience.
I'm very looking forward to the new layout. TY
Unfortunately, today we have a holiday, hence a long weekend. I'm out and will be back Monday. I'm sorry for the delay. However, there are no time limitations for working on a first-ranked logo. I'll get right on it when I get back home. Once again, sorry for the holdup.
Regarding a design with rooster and hen, we think that these shouldn't stand separately, but together. Please see the new attachements to the brief. TY
As for two animals, I'm going to check the layout using my "old" hen, just for now.
As the breed was developed in the 1920's the font fits very well.
Maybe the combination with a hen would be perfect. As the title "kleine blaue Würfel" is in plural, two animals i.e. rooster and hen together makes sense. I will look for another picture of a hen that might match well.
I agree, in the logo the chest could be slightly (only slightly) smoother ;)
When I get it right, I'm going to work on the rest of the logo. Please, check the rooster #60. It is a line art for now, but I'm going to work on the shades of plumage as well.
Thank you.
A little comb would be nice and the breast not so round – the grey one is a very young hen with the breast not yet proper formed.
I'm aware that you chose the font to underline the cubic aspect, but we'd prefer a "smoother" look going well together with the font on our website. TY
I'll draw a new illustration.