Just want to check if you already sees files.
If there is a problem hope you can contact me asap.
Otherwise really appreciate if you can approve as well. https://help.logotournament.com/article/175-how-to-approve-your-final-files
Please go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link.
Thanks for picking my design as a winner :)
I just send final logo via LT site that you can download right away. https://logotournament.com/help/client/42
Please approve the files by doing this step.
Go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link. Really appreciate if you could do that asap. https://help.logotournament.com/article/175-how-to-approve-your-final-files
Hope everything are ok.
If you don't mind, hope you can make some review of my works in LT site, i'd really appreciate it.
Should there be any project in the future don't hesitate to contact me. Hope i can help.
Ok. Please choose this design as a winner first. Than after you download and approve the final logo, we will discuss the standalone icon further. I will contact you after the contest is completed finish.
Thank you, I believe we are going to go with this one as is. I will select it as the winner. I do have a follow-up question. Would you be interested in using this logo to create a standalone icon for the brand? If so, please feel to reach out to me at dmdemsko@gmail.com to discuss
Thanks for your feedback
Hope you can check my variations for your considerations. #117, #118, #119
Really appreciate if you could give more direction for my logo design.
We really like this logo and may end up selecting it as is. However, there are two updated designs we would like to see:
1. Can you replace the "I" with the existing left side of the N with the king piece hovering over top. Then refinish the left side of the "N" the same color font as the rest of CASTLING
2. Can you please replace the top font used for CASTLING with a non-bulky serif font?
Comment Activity
If there is a problem hope you can contact me asap.
Otherwise really appreciate if you can approve as well.
Please go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link.
Thanks for picking my design as a winner :)
I just send final logo via LT site that you can download right away.
Please approve the files by doing this step.
Go to the "Files" Tab and click the "Approve Final Files" link. Really appreciate if you could do that asap.
Hope everything are ok.
If you don't mind, hope you can make some review of my works in LT site, i'd really appreciate it.
Should there be any project in the future don't hesitate to contact me. Hope i can help.
Any update with the contest ?
Should there be any revision, please reply this message.
Thanks for your feedback
Hope you can check my variations for your considerations.
#117, #118, #119
Really appreciate if you could give more direction for my logo design.
1. Can you replace the "I" with the existing left side of the N with the king piece hovering over top. Then refinish the left side of the "N" the same color font as the rest of CASTLING
2. Can you please replace the top font used for CASTLING with a non-bulky serif font?