30under30Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / 30under30 30under30 has selected their winning logo design. For $350 they received 607 designs from 101 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Kava Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #1 Withdrawn New #2 Withdrawn New #409 Discussion GrahamBM Client #1, #2Thanks for these.I like the modern, clubbing, feel of these logo's.I don't understand what's going on with the 'd' and the 'e' in 'under' though.maybe worth keeping it simple, modern - explore the club feel. cheersG 15 years ago Kava Logo Designer Thank you for feedback. I'll explain now 'd' and 'e' problem. My idea was to make 30under30 name most coherent. So every sign is made from one shape - letter 'u'.I'll try to clarIfy 'under' part more. 15 years ago