Women’s Mining CoalitionLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Women’s Mining Coalition

Women’s Mining Coalition has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 194 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
A grassroots coalition supporting environmentally responsible mining.
What We Do
WMC's mission is to deliver the message to our legislators that a strong mining industry is vitally important to our nation, our communities, our families, and our livelihoods, and that today's regulations and modern technology ensure responsible stewardship of our lands. The Women's Mining Coalition facilitates and provides the opportunity for our grassroots members to band together for a stronger voice with their Congressional delegation
Natural Resources
Color Preferences
7/25/2019 After seeing some of the logos, we are looking for Bold Bright colors. Today our logo is various shades of brown/tan, we would like to reboot it to think clean, sustainable, eco friendly. No green
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I have attached a pic of a piece of ceramic that looks somewhat like a mountain with different variations of ground. Maybe someone will find inspiration and turn it into a bright beautiful logo. We have a logo currently, you can see it at https://www.wmc-usa.org/aboutus.html, we would like to update/redesign the logo for the times.
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I have ran some of the logos by our members, they would like to see some in bold colors vibrant blue, yellow, orange, purple
5 years ago
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