3 Cities Fire CommandLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / 3 Cities Fire Command 3 Cities Fire Command has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 22 designs from 4 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client bryanfrieders United States What We Do Provides Incident Command for the Fire Department Industry Miscellaneous Color Preferences red, gold, black Themes MasculineNecessitySecure Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st kib647 Withdrawn 2nd D4W Withdrawn 3rd wep 4th kib647 5th kib647 6th kib647 7th kib647 8th kib647 Withdrawn 9th D4W Withdrawn 10th D4W Withdrawn New D4W New kib647 Withdrawn New kib647 Withdrawn New kib647 Withdrawn New kib647 Withdrawn New kib647 Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn New ryank Withdrawn Prefers others. D4W Discussion bryanfrieders Client please use the logos from each of the listed cities in your logos 10 years ago Ivan F LogoTournament Staff Note: Unless the 3 cities can provide a release to use the logos, they may not be used in the logos submitted. 10 years ago 2BCreative Logo Designer no can use cities names I'm confused 10 years ago bryanfrieders Client I AM the administrator for all of these logos. I am the Chief for all three departments and have the authority....please amend your submissions! 10 years ago