Here is the idea I came up with for you. I wanted to incorporate a real fly, per your suggestion, but I wanted to keep the overall logo simple enough that it will look great at all sizes. I wanted to be sure it would work well on both websites and packaging (if needed), and I think you will find the balance between real and simplistic is there.
The custom script/words can easily stand alone on their own, if you prefer. This may be a better option for simple printing or smaller packaging.
I will see what else I can come up with, but feel free to comment on what you see here in the mean time. Thanks!
Here is a blue color-scheme. The other one is truer to the actual fly colors, but I wanted to throw this out there as well. The fly still looks accurate I think, regardless of color.
I like these and wonder if mixing the attributes would be helpful. Meaning, what if the fly was actual but the text was blue custom script? Also wonder if this image could overlay a realistic looking fish, facing right with it's mouth going after the fly.
Here is the two combined; that was a good call--I like the color contrast between the two. I will see if I can draw a fish that will work well with this as well. Let me know if you think of anything else. Thanks!
I like it. On the fish, if would need to be either a rainbow trout or a brown trout. maybe a design with one of each. The text color may need to be changed to enhance contrast, depending on the fish and whether or not it is on the Rainbow or the Brown trout. This is pretty cool. I could imagine this siting in on the left side of our website, with a river running across the screen, creating the banner for the webpage. Our website is
I created my trout, but then I have had trouble getting it to look right within the logo. I don't want him to be overpowering (we still want the eye to go to the words first), but I don't want him to feel separate either. Also, I had issues with making him look accurate like he was striking the fly, so I kept him waiting in the water (about to strike) if you will.
This is probably the best layout I was able to come up with, but I will keep working with it. Perhaps it might be better to incorporate a fish (or multiple fish) into the rest of the river/banner, while having your official logo by itself on the side? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
The "You Trust" text on the new one with the .com address looks better than the versions without the .com address. I think there is a need for a version with the address and a version without the .com address, but the "You Trust" text on the two versions would need to be the same.
Yep, you're right; I had added the border to it after I had already posted it. You have a nice eye for detail. Here is the original one, with the border added back on the "You Trust".