For entry 111 (and 110) can you try a different line in between RSP Companies and Real Estate Investment and Management? Maybe one that doesn't taper at the ends
Hey Panji, for entry 123 can you stretch the "Real Estate Investment and Management" so that it is the same distance from left to right as "The RSP Companies"? Can we also try a variation of 121 where you put a dot or circle where that little star is now in the line? Can you also start experimenting with colors for the RSP icon portion...maybe have the the R, S & P be outlined in the solid deep blue color and the fill in middle a steel grey. Try some variations and please send. Thanks!
IN terms of different color variations...maybe it's better to change the color of just one letter as opposed to having each letter done in an outline thereby complicating the the could be done in a silver while the others remain in a blue. You could do either the S which currently makes up the roof of the icon or the S in the RSP in the text portion of the main logo. let's see what you come up with...thanks!
for the black & white version, entry 124...maybe there is something we could do with the RSP (just the icon portion to the left) where we put some shadowing or light reflection on the letters to make them a litle more special and crisper...can we try that as well as above requests...thanks!
Maybe we try (with 124) to give the letters a little they are 3-D block letters with their depth all facing inwards towards the center of the box they are assembled in
let's work with the black & white for now. Let's take 124 and take the three RSP letters (in the icon only) and turn them into 3 dimmensional block letters with the dimmension pointing down towards what would be the center of the box they are forming. Let's use some light shadowing, lighting reflections to create this appearance. Let's see how this looks
For entry 123, can you increase the overall size of the text portion (all the info on the right of the icon). In addition to my requests of trying to block or give dimmension to the icon portion, maybe another variation is to add just a touch more space on the text portion in between "The" and "RSP" and "Companies" or perhaps another way to do it is to just make the font for the words "The" and "companies" a little bit less thick. Please send
looking great! for 174, can you make the block letters have even more dimmension....make the 3D for them thicker? For 170 can you dial back the brightness of the color white in between the letters and make the S on top blue like the rest? for 172 can you make top letter s blue and try a making the block a steel grey and do two variation, one where the RSP is blue and one where the rsp is black? Thanks!
for 172 please do variation where you make the block more tall turning it into a rectangle as opposed to a square (I know this will make the R and the P larger than the S). please also return the font width for THE and Companies to the thinner font as per previous. Thanks!
I've given you a lot of tasks above and figured maybe I could streamline my requests for you to put all in one spot:
Entry 174 - think this is my favorite as of right now
Entry 174 - Icon: please try to make the #D a little deeper. I like the shadow under the block letters so lets keep it. Please re-organize the R, S & P so that the R is on top, and the S is on the left and the P is on the right.
Entry 174 - Text portion to the right: Please decrease the thickness of the font for the word "The" and "Companies" back to a similar size as what you had in entry 123, but leave the spacing as you have it now between the words. Keep the line as you have it seperating the "The RSP Companies" from "Real Estate Investment and Management".
Once we get the black & white perfect, we will add back the color and try some variations with just that aspect. It will be important with the 3D to have the shadowing correct on the 3rd side of the letters so we can do some cool variations of the icon going forward (we'll eventually do blue, then blue faces with blue fade to steel grey on sides, and maybe a variation with the side letters (the S and the P) in a black and the top letter (the R) maybe in a grey (like the roof of the building is often)...we'll see, for now let's focus on seeing how this looks with a little deeper 3D - I don't want to do it so much that it throws off the look of the cube...just enough the give it a touch more depth)
Entry 172 - Icon: Please Switch the letters so R is on top, S is to left and P is to right. Please also make all letters in the icon the same color. Let's do a variation where we increase the height of the box so it more resembles a rectangle and less of a square (I still like the square so we should have one variation as square, and one as rectangle).
Then let's do variations where the block background is black and the letters are blue, another where the block background is a steel grey and the letters are blue.
Entry 172 Text portion. Same comments as above for Entry 174.
Entry 170: Same comments as above with regards to switching the arrangment of letters for the Icon and for making a uniform color. I like the white seperating these letters...only comment is that there is sort of a flash or glow coming off of the letters....perhaps we can turn that down a little. Tell me what this feature is called so I can ask you to increase or decrease it with future rounds.
Thanks for your help....I'm pretty sure one of these is going to be the logo I go with once we get it perfect!
one last comment....ultimately I think whatever color we do in the icon for the letters will be the same color we do for the "RSP" letters in the text portion.
no worries & thanks! Hmm....the version (previous 174, now 211) doesn't look as nice with the R on top as it did with the S...what do you think? I like the way you added the highlighting for 209. Is there a way to get that S to sit on the same plane as the P does....seems like it is floating a bit in the air to the left while the base of the P is on the ground. Entry 217 & 214 both look super....the entries with the taller rectangle ( 216 & 215) might need a bit of work. Let's focus only on 216 because I think the lighter color is better than the black if the box is going to be more representative of a building. To keep the S and the P the same size as the R (or roughly in line), maybe we add a base to the rectangle in 216? Lets have you try adding a very small base, same color but just a l little bit wider to 216 and it will be representative of a tower (with the S & the P) on the outside walls, the R on the roof and a base that it sits on. Again keep the base short, not adding a bunch of height and it you want you can crop a small amount off the bottom of the existing rectangle to make it not grow too much.
for entry 218, pls make the S on top the same blue color, please also remove that lighting or shine that is occurring in the center of the the icon. Please make the "RSP" in the text portion of the logo match the same color blue you are using for the icon.
can you start doing all the logo's on a white background instead of the grey...I want to see what it will look like on letterhead and that is best way. Are you still wokring on some variations? Like adding the base to 216 and fixing 222 Icon letter sizing and positioning of icon?
Entry 225: I don't think it looks as good now. something is going on with the way the icon is leaning forward...and the R still looks smaller than the S and the P. Also, the spacing in between the letters looks off now a little bit. Please try making the S and the P a little smaller and adjusting the tilt so it is leaning away more. If we can't get it to look good like this I'm going to have you switch back to the S on the top like we originally had in 174 but keep the letters more 3D as they are now. We need to finish this Icon.
For 230 I am still hoping you will send me a variation with more of a base on the tower. Move the S and the P upwards (higher) on the face of the rectangel and either flare out the bottom of the rectangle (the base) or add a base that is not too tall but slightly wider.
thanks! hmmm...that didn't turn out quite like I'd hoped. Lets move to # 225. Let's try to add color to it. I would like to use a darker blue than we have thus far been using...something a little bolder.
With 237, can you lower the S down just a small amount to tighten the space...the space in between the R and the P is less than the spaces between the S and the R / S and the P.
With 227 can you shrink the size of the icon....maybe make it 15% smaller?
Thanks Panjii, I think we're close. Can you take 244 and make the S & the P a little bit shorter (just a shrink a tiny amount). I'd leave the R the size it is now because optically it currently looks smaller than the S & the P. Please also make the text portion of the logo black instead of grey (but obviously leave the "RSP" in "The RSP Companies" blue to match the Icon).
These look great Panji!!! thank you! what else should I consider before making a choice? If you want to try a few different shades of the blue that's cool...but I do really like the one you've selected. In the text portion, is the "RSP" the same color as the blue in the logo right now? Shall Can you increase the font size for "Real Estate Investment and Management" just a small amount? so I can see how that looks. Finally, I'm still torn between having the S or the R on top (247 versus 246)
I'm going to pick #246. Lets do it in a couple of different shades of blue...lI ike the darker blues so as you get darker in the blue color, you will likley need to cut back on the black shadowing on the icon letters.
reference #246 => #248 & #249 ( 1. increase the font size for "Real Estate Investment and Management" , 2. the icon is tilted to the right just a small amount )
this issue was the the icon was already tilted to the needs to go to the left to be straight. The colors are all great....the increase in the font size is perfect!
1) Please take 246 and tilt icon to left (just a small amount) so that it is straight and increase font size for "Real Estate Investment and Management" so it matches the size in 248 and 249. 2) Please tilt the icon to the left for 248 and 249 just a small amount so it is straight. Because of the darker color blues used on 248 and 249, you may want to reduce some of the black shadowing on the letters of the icon a small amount. I will then pick one, thanks!
if you look just at 243, (which is the icon that is used on all of the above) you should notice that the left side of the letter R in the icon is tilted....I think if you were to move the R only, by a very very small amount, bringing the right foot of the R in towards the P, it would make the icon perfect and straight.
about tagline => #251 (This results when the increase font size for for "Real Estate Investment and Management" ) #252 ( This results when the increase font size for for "Real Estate Investment and Management" with increase font The RSP Companies [ balanced between tagline and The RSP Companies ] )
Perfect! We're done! you did an amazing job...thank you!! I will close the contest tomorrow. Would it be possible to receive the logo (#257) and also a file with the new icon by itself (like you did for 243 but with the new improved icon)? thanks again...I know you've put in a lot of work and I really appreciate it!