Fly & Fry FestivalLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Fly & Fry Festival
Fly & Fry Festival has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 61 designs
from 14 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We are an event company that is planning a Fly Fishing Festival and event in Basalt Colorado, home to the most world class fly fishing in the country, where two gold medal trout rivers converge. This event will combine a fishing tournament as well and a fly fishing festival to celebrate and educate and protect the fly fishing industry in our amazing community.
Color Preferences
Green, blue, gray, gold
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Want it to be fun yet timeless enough to use year after year as we plan for an annual event. Easy to recognize, reprint, etc Focus on the 3 F's (as in "F"ly, "F"ry, "F"estival). Or even 2 Fs "F"ly & "F"ry
Could incorporate fly rod, or hooks, trout, flowing water
Could incorporate fly rod, or hooks, trout, flowing water