1UP Video GamesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / 1UP Video Games

1UP Video Games has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 219 designs from 46 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
We sell used classic video games (nes to ps2 and newer titles) & we value items based on condition and contents.
Color Preferences
Prefer to see (Blue & White) OR (Red & White)
Prefer to not see (Red & Blue)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Would like to see a "1up" mushroom in the design, or possibly other video game symbols relating to the 8-bit or 16-bit era of video games. Video game characters or font are also something I am interested in.


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Entry Number















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Logo Designer
Are you affiliated with the 1UP Network?

15 years ago
Logo Designer
I smell a lawsuit.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
WOW! I'm not sure that you'd legally get away with using a nintendo character on your logo - you know who you are!
15 years ago
I am not affiliated with 1up.com, but why would anyone suggest a lawsuit? Because of the name of my business?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I don't know about the name of your business, but I would steer clear of any of the designs that are using nintendo characters, that is asking for trouble - the designers really should know better than that.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
client is resposible for that what he have in logo not a designer.

about the mushroom ellbo have right, nintendo owns rights about the mashroom and other characters.

I had done only what was client´s ideas "Would like to see a "1up" mushroom in the design, or possibly other video game symbols relating to the 8-bit or 16-bit era of video games."
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I've checked: Nintendo characters (Mario, the Mushrooms and so on...) are protected. I've withdrawn my designs based on Mario.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, but all can be derived! ;)
15 years ago
i'm sure that admin will be here soon to moderate this "suspected issue" but here is the simple rundown.
Nintendo has Exclusive
Intellectual Property Rights :

Nintendo owns intellectual property rights in its products. These include copyrights, trademarks, and patents.
Nintendo Copyrights

A copyright is an exclusive right granted to an author of a literary, musical, audiovisual or artistic work, giving the author the sole right to reproduce and distribute that work. There are several different types of copyrights which are associated with Nintendo's products. These include various copyrights in Nintendo's software source code, executable code, game visual display, game music, game characters, product packaging, game manuals and labels; hardware chip microcode; artwork and publications.
this means, without a license granting copyright permission, we as artists are responsible for making sure we do not infringe these rights.
If you were to design a logo with a mario, shroom, ext.. character.. and the client were to somehow get in trouble, you as the original designer would be responsible for designing a infringing logo.
So please let's be professional, and lay off of the Contest Holder. All he wants is a nice logo.
And we want him to have one.
Have a good day guys :D

P.S. no fights ok :D
15 years ago
Thank you to everyone for the info. I'm not trying to violate any copyrights either, I have an artist wife who is on top of things like this. Does this limit the use of entry #22?

I really appreciate all the work everyone has been doing as it has been very helpful in helping me figure out where to take the design. Only after I started seeing submissions did I realize I wanted more of a banner-like logo, something to fit into how my webstore already looks (http://www.1upvideogames.com), so the blue, white & black combos go very well together (with entry #54 and 56 using these colors). The red, black & white in #22 and #47 are nice combos, but if I were to pick from those, it might fit the design of my site better there is a different gradient (top to bottom) - If you keep the same red,white & black, I would not mind a blue gradient.

I really like #56 because of the color combination and the bomb, but something is lost in the text for "video game". I don't know how to describe it. Could you stretch out the picture to banner size? Would it be ok to add some text to make it into more of a banner. Something that communicates "we sell used video games" or any kind of reasonable added text pertaining to the business.
15 years ago
i run and operate "mobile 1up" - a mobile games company.

i was contacted by nintendo regarding the use of the nintendo mushroom - however, lucky for me it was after i had held my logo tournament here. i would definitely recommend avoiding any form of pre-existing characters or artwork; you'll find yourself in a lawsuit. remember that copyright law says its a copy if a non-educated jury can say its a copy. ie: if it looks and smells like a fish, its a fish.

#22 clearly violates, #56 looks like the big boss from mario 64 (the one where you climb the mountain).. #47 is a pacman ghost - your to three (as of today) are possible lawsuits waiting to happen. i am happy to see some of the contest entries from my logo design being re-used here, there were a few amazing entries..


i am not sure they are still being posted for viewing - but you will see some amazing designs there.. entry #12; minus the mushroom is a clearly good designed logo - there are many more here as well. good luck guys, and continue the great work!

// Aaron Ardiri
15 years ago
I thought #12 looked too much like the logo for "VPGames" so I am unsure about that. Even with the mushroom in #12, isn't the mushroom different enough to avoid copyrights?

Lily, can you change the font color/type for the "video games" text below the 1up logo?

Just look at some sites like dkoldies.com and nintendosforsale.com and look at the pics they use on their sites. I felt like having something that looked like a Nintendo mushroom would be ok after seeing that they were straight up using the original pics. I understand copyright law and I'm not trying to break or ignore it, but if I can have a variation of one of these characters, that's what I would like.

If anyone is still posting logos, I am still interested in a banner design. I am not sure if I'm using the right terminology, but I would like to see some kind of gradient or fade into blue at the bottom of the picture, so that it fits my template colors at 1upvideogames.com - I'm at the point where I wouldn't mind seeing something more vibrant or colorful, but really all I want is a logo. Here are some more suggestions for text to add to logos to make into a banner:

Some text pertaining to video games:

"We sell new & used video games"
"We buy & sell used games"
"Quality Used Video Games"
"Your Bargain Gaming Depot" <-- (BGD is the official name of my business, but I will be operating as 1up video games, and I was trying to create a slogan with "Bargain Gaming Depot" in it, so the best I could come up with so far was "1UP Video Games: Your Bargain Gaming Depot!")

Some text pertaining to how the business operates:

"Fast shipping to your front door"
"Ships in 24 hours"
"Free Shipping on orders $25 or more"
"Classic games, systems & accessories"

Again, if anyone can come up with a banner design with pre-existing pictures (on this thread) and some text (examples listed above) that is exactly what I'm looking for.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
It is better to avoid and have a peace of mind =)

15 years ago
Better to avoid what?

Btw, I found another site that uses copyright images, I guess I'm not surprised anymore http://www.videogameaction.com
15 years ago
Logo Designer
i was talking about the copyright issues.

based on the site that you posted the images are on the banner not on the logo? But its a rule in LT that we can not use cliparts and pictures from others. That's the rule that may limit us to do things that you want. maybe the winning logo maker can do the banner for you? What do you think?

15 years ago
Logo Designer
"Btw, I found another site that uses copyright images, I guess I'm not surprised anymore http://www.videogameaction.com "

But not in their logo... many sites use graphics etc such as your example without proper usage...

But believe me list another designer said, Ive been in the middle of a huge logo lawsuit , and well lets just say u lose before you even begin, so yes, simply stay clear and you will be fine...... unsure, consult a logo/trademark lawyer
15 years ago
I see the difference between the two now. I didn't know there was a difference at first.

After this logo contest is over, would anyone be willing to help me with other images on the site?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
It seems that 90%+ of the entries use Nintendo/Mario characters, stages or elements
15 years ago
I've seen a lot of entries, I don't think 9/10 use actual pieces of Nintendo art. If you note the top entries, they contain no Nintendo art, or anything along those lines. I'm really happy with all the designs!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Nintendo have a habit of suing and closing down small companies. I am not in this contest but consider having designers create a kind of character holding a joypad and playing games or something like that
15 years ago
Logo Designer
cool some works = Lup
15 years ago
Logo Designer
another stupid contest where my concept was taken and won. Stupid really stupid designers

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Which is your entry Grail?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
#76 check it out the font type and colors, style gradients. same!

15 years ago
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