I wanted to personally write to you and express my sincere thanks for al your hard work, time, energy and some truly brilliant ideas and creativity.
Me decision to choose the winning logo, was based on part that I wanted to see something that wasn't AS roofy as some of the submissions that were submitted.
In addition, by having a logo with a roof, it meant that I was tied into only doing roofing. I needed a logo that could be used for other aspects of construction but that could be recognized nevertheless no matter what I decided to do.
I was however, very impressed with your work and would love to stay in touch.
Rikardo at 1st Class Roofs dot com.
All the best to you and many many thanks again for your submissions.
The font doesn't feel right for what 1st Class stands for - give me some ideas here.
Fonts that are easy to work with and yet that can make the logo really pop and stand out
I think based on what I see from you, this is going to be my chosen logo.
Go ahead and give me some idea on what it's going to look like with different style fonts please.
Let's consider the forum being print only for now, i.e. Shirts, hats, email signature, invoice cover head.
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Me decision to choose the winning logo, was based on part that I wanted to see something that wasn't AS roofy as some of the submissions that were submitted.
In addition, by having a logo with a roof, it meant that I was tied into only doing roofing. I needed a logo that could be used for other aspects of construction but that could be recognized nevertheless no matter what I decided to do.
I was however, very impressed with your work and would love to stay in touch.
Rikardo at 1st Class Roofs dot com.
All the best to you and many many thanks again for your submissions.
Can I see the same logo but in blue
Fonts that are easy to work with and yet that can make the logo really pop and stand out
Go ahead and give me some idea on what it's going to look like with different style fonts please.
Let's consider the forum being print only for now, i.e. Shirts, hats, email signature, invoice cover head.
Take out the one on the same line as Class Roofs and leave the one in the house