I wanted to personally write to you and express my sincere thanks for al your hard work, time, energy and some truly brilliant ideas and creativity.
Me decision to choose the winning logo, was based on part that I wanted to see something that wasn't AS roofy as some of the submissions that were submitted.
In addition, by having a logo with a roof, it meant that I was tied into only doing roofing. I needed a logo that could be used for other aspects of construction but that could be recognized nevertheless no matter what I decided to do.
I was however, very impressed with your work and would love to stay in touch.
Rikardo at 1st Class Roofs dot com.
All the best to you and many many thanks again for your submissions.
The red looks a little orange.
What color blue are you using? Let's stay with either Royal or navy blue - the long sleeve and short sleeve t shirt are going to be either silver or grey - just FYI
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Best wishes.
Me decision to choose the winning logo, was based on part that I wanted to see something that wasn't AS roofy as some of the submissions that were submitted.
In addition, by having a logo with a roof, it meant that I was tied into only doing roofing. I needed a logo that could be used for other aspects of construction but that could be recognized nevertheless no matter what I decided to do.
I was however, very impressed with your work and would love to stay in touch.
Rikardo at 1st Class Roofs dot com.
All the best to you and many many thanks again for your submissions.
What color blue are you using? Let's stay with either Royal or navy blue - the long sleeve and short sleeve t shirt are going to be either silver or grey - just FYI