I can't figure out what I like so much about your logos. The clean font is good. The symbol hanging off the right is cool. But I'm not sure how I will use that little symbol as a standalone image. Like for a favicon. I'm not sure if it is a "good enough" symbol to stand alone, but I like it with the words to the left. It needs a little tweaking, but I can't really figure out what needs to happen. Can you make the symbol a little more interesting so it can standalone better?
Thanks very much for the comments. Let me do some tweaking to it and see if I can get you something that can standalone better. Do you like the colors?
#45. Just an idea. It balances out the logo when it stands alone. Just let me know if there are any changes you want to see be made to make this into the logo you want.
Do you want me to keep making variations to the standalone logo? I can keep submitting you ideas if you would like. Do you like the angle/perspective it sits at?
Created a whole new mark that stands alone much better than my previous entries I believe. I put one on a black background to show how good it can't print on any color background. Hope you like this a little better. Thanks.
Thank you for all of your ideas! I don't think I like the latest versions. The standalone looks a little blurry. Can you put #45 on a plain white background? Thanks!
#90 is a loose interpretation of the number one and the p that you like but i also tried to implement a quotation mark since much of your business is from word of mouth.