maybe #20 rounded rectangle could become a square, as in an iPhone app icon...
Maybe you could use a more readable text to better read 1minapp (don't laugh :-))
#21 is also beautiful, in general I would prefer a horizontal development instead if the squared... but squared is okay if there's a relevant reason (= great idea) for it
#26 is nice direction, thanks, maybe you can check the brief i copied also as a comment in the home for suggestion on the fonts and colors that I'd appreciate... but of course feel free to experiment!
#30 is kool! Just check the colors of the platform logo ( and eventually reuse them or use just the blue of the "3" (and maybe choose a more appropriate orange that fits with that blue)
#41 and #42 I miss see a reason why... as USP(s) we can have:
1 Unique and advanced technology 2 Freedom (the platform payoff which is the basis of 1minapp is "make your ideas fly") 3 Ease of implementation (a simple process online, via web interface)
Would be nice to have a #33 with a horizontal development, so having 1minapp in line... maybe with the 1 in the rounded box and some ideas suggesting wireless connectivity (maybe waves instead of bubbles... dunno :)
in #61 I don't like the orientation of the square... better for me your earlier orientations I'd leave the circle in #63... maybe if it might become a clock... but dunno... appreciate more #55, #48 etc.
Thanks! Could you please elaborate #119 which is the composition I feel I like most... just try to change orientation / position of the square and its colors leaving the rest as it is.
Thanks... not yet... would you please try #144, which is the one I like most, but with horizontal icon (as in #45), icon colored both in black and blue (with text vice versa of course)?
Thanks, I know you won't be happy with this request... but can you manage to put somewhere "powered my mobc3"? I mean as a small, all low caps footer :)
But the other interesting thing that I noticed is that the 90 angle it's as common as 137.5 . But the thing is what do you want - dynamic - 137.5 or more stable look - 90.
I know you like the font you proposed, but would you be so kind to make a test by writing 1minapp with VAG rounded (e.g. adobe or bitstream, bold or black):
so we better stick to the track started with mobc3
Still by far we think your best work are #192 and #45... could you try improving them by using the VAG rounded font as used in mobc3? Maintaining a brand structure, I mean coherence with the mobc3 logo, is relevant for us and proved to be a critical advantage for recent designs...