We really like #13 and #14. The hands but also the dimension that the circle has. Very cool! In #15 and #16 we see shark fins. Our assumption is that you were trying to do two hands coming together? but also making an "S" - which we love that idea - but not sure we see it clearly enough.
Great improvement...both designs at this point and what we like and would like to see adjustments on. Once we have a more clear picture and can articulate that I will let you know! Thanks for resubmitting!
Thanks for the new admissions. We are gonna focus on #13 and #19 at this time. First of all we have revamped the slogan. It is now "Creating Connected Compassionate Neighbors"
#13 - Do you have any ideas on how we can keep the hand(s) in the middle but make a change so it doesn't look like a child's hand on an adult's hand? #19 - We got a few things we'd like to see with this design. With one design rotate the hands on the design to the right about 15 degrees - we're thinking like the super man logo. #19 With another design - without the rotation, add a circle around it like you have for #13. Also can you soften the palm of the hand so it doesn't have the hard angle. Can you pull the hands together so the fingers are not extending beyond the edge of the palm?
Thanks for the constructive feedback, i have submitted the design variations as requested by you. When i soften the angles of the palm it will look less like 'S'
I think #58 is the right idea. Can we keep the hands the same size as they were in #19? Make the circle bigger and give it more space around the hands - it seems a little too closed in? And if the circle needs to disappear behind SERVE: Novlesville that's fine too! I think the softer palm works fine.
#64 and #65 I think are great. After seeing #67, I think we were wrong - that wasn't better. I'm waiting to hear from my collaborators on the project. Will get you more if/when I hear from them. Thanks for your work!
FYI, as the contest is now in judging mode, therefore only first ranked designer can submit revisions, if you need to see revisions form me you have to move me to 1st rank and after my submissions you can reshuffle the ranking according to your preference
We are sharing thoughts and such to either make any more changes or to choose our final design. We will let you know what we decide when we know. Thank you for your cooperation in working with us! You made it a great experience for us!