Hi there! Love your entries and the ideas behind them. No I'm not going for a corporate look. More of a Web 2.0 Tabloid look with an "edge" to it. This website will be pushing out provocative politic and social news stories and videos. I really want a kick-butt logo that will encompass this feel.
Colors - I like bright, web blog tabloid type color combos - I've been playing around with various combinations of the orange, pink and blue along with black on Buzzfeed.com and really liking the results. Can I see a few variations on that in the logos?
#14 - I didn't see that until I read your explanation and now I like it even more! Can I see different color variations on it - some with 2 colors, some with 3 so I can find the right balance of color?
Also - can I see one that has the same colors as your winning entry for Riviera Partners?
#37 - Really like this one too! This has that Web 2.0 feel to it. Wonder how we can make it look a bit edgy?
Also, I will definitely be incorporating some version of the logo into an avatar, so I love that you kept that in mind. Wonder what the avatar would look like for #14? D and S as two pieces of a random? kinda hot!
I put up a couple of samples of colors you asked for. You might want to use the avatar of #40 alone wotj #14 as the main logo but wanted to show you another way it could be used with type.
I agree with your above comment re: #40 avatar as a standalone and #14 as main logo. Can't wait to see what you post up here next, in line with my above comments. Thanks for trying the color combo from your other logo. It was pretty but just not loud enough. Liking black as a main color in logo with other shocking colors to compliment. thanks!
Agree, loud is better for what you're doing. I think black works best as a color, too. I may not be able to do more tonight but tomorrow for sure. Just ask for whatever colors you think might be cool, or maybe I will come up with something wild.
Hey! Love your latest entries :-) #71 is a cool departure from your other logos. I would like to see what it looks like without a gradient. I'm not really a fan of those. Would also like to see it in a buzzfeed orange/pink combo. What other cool avatar ideas do you have up your sleeve? I like this one but wondering what else might look cool with #71
Are #72 and #73 the same? I really like how the ransom feel is coming together! On this one I think it's got so many colors that it's borderline Lego. How about using just two colors - buzzfeed orange/pink, pink/blue, etc etc Any other color combos you like is fine, I just think it's got a bit too much going on. The fonts - let's make them even more differentiated in style, size, etc to solidify that ransom look. Keep on keeping on. You are rocking it! Much appreciated!
I also still like #14 and would like to see more color / style option on that one. Maybe one where surge is just one solid color, and others in just two. It's only ranked lower because I'm not feeling the color combo. Still really into the concept though :-)
Hi there! After seeing Entry #100 I think the ransom note idea looks best as a solid color
Can you use the darker pink from the word POLITICS on this buzzfeed page instead of the brighter pink? http://www.buzzfeed.com/politics
Maybe put a black outline around the white ransom lettering? Maybe the word Daily should be all black or the Buzzfeed orange with black outline? How about Daily in Orange, Ransom in pink all in a black box?
On a TOTALLY different design note - I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see an entry using a cool retro font like my logo example for Daily Ticket (uploaded on the contest brief) but with the cool outline style of Rolling Stones logo. Just to try something totally different!
Lastly - Entry #71 - the blue/black version ended up looking too "techie". However, what would DailySurge look like with the font you used for the "DS" avatar?
LOL! Ok :-) it's hard to tell with the DS but I trust your judgement :-) pink looking perfect hue in #107! Can't wait to see what you do with the word Daily!