You might be on to something! :-) A few comments: #26 seems a little bit unnatural, but I like the visual balance. #27 solves the problem from #26, but I don´t like the balance. Also, it seems straining to have the head out on a thin neck. Just looking at it, I start flexing my neck muscles.
So, something with the balance from #26, but with the sense of natural from #27, but with more relaxation and rest in the position.
Dear CH, Many thanks for your Advice, Because its really-really helped me. And I already updated my logo at entry #30 and #31 as your request. Please let me know.
I like the visual balance of #30 and #31, but still, it feels as if something should support their heads in order to obtain relaxation. Any idea? A stylistic pillow or something? Or maybe pieces of grass coming from the typography and up towards the person - giving them a soft cushion for the whole body?
What if you used blue or bluish purple for the person, and made some kind of green cushion - like stylistic grass that upholds the person - sinking into the delightful and soft green?
Hmm ... #76 and #77 did not work. What if you kept the sleeping person blue, and in the shape from #31, and you then let the typography become the green grass bed? So, by playing with shapes and sizes of the letters, you give comfortable support to the person sleeping?
Hmm ... I might have been wrong. #78 didn´t work at all ... The letters look like they have been to the circus ;-) What if you let the letters vary along the same lines, but just VERY subtly, so that you really have to look to see that they are not all the same size, and then you put in a green blanket between them and the blue person to fill the gap instead.
It would also be awesome to see #31 with a slightly more greyish green color in the typography, and maybe even a slightly more powerful font - more heavy. So far, #31 is our favorite ;-) (but don´t give up trying the alternative options ... :-)
Thanks for trying out new things, Makinson. I appreciate it :-) From where we are now, I think the most promising option is to improve on #31 by working on its typography. I would like to see #31 with a dark grey / greyish-green color in the typography, and maybe even a slightly more powerful font - more heavy.
#105, #106 and #107 are interesting. I think the person should be on top of the typography. I am also afraid some of these new fonts are too "hard", pointy and macho. The good thing about the font of #103 is that it´s tender, fragile and soft. my only problem with it is that it can be a bit too weak - not easy to read. Could we try the following two versions of #103? First: make a version where you just make the font lines SLIGHTLY thicker. Not much! Secondly: In addition to the version with green font, make a version with grey font, and a version where you make a grey that break towards green. Thanks :-)
Great job on #117! :-) I wonder whether some minor adjustments should be made on the last letters: "GER". Also, it would be interesting to see the letters in a darker green. But so far, this is the best option of them all. Great job! :-)
As you can see, we are now in the final phases, and unless your competitors do something extraordinary, you will win :-)
While we wait that one out, let´s try a few things. Currently, me and my business partner are uncertain about the color of the font. I like the dark green of #133, but he likes the grey of #116 better.
We were wondering: is it able to make a version of #133, but with some grey mixed into the green? Other thoughts? What´s your favorite among these colors?
Dear CH, I already updated my logo at entry #174 and #175. My favorite color still at entry #31. But the decision is on you and your team, only for consideration. Please let me know. Many thanks,
#31 is a different shape. Is the color in #117 the same as for #31? So, you like the shape of #31 better as well? Why? I would love to hear your reasoning for that :-)
My business partner would like to see one more option. Could you make a version of #133 that would be darker? Either darker green or maybe even a more "blackened" green? And with just one font color - not split between the words. Thanks :-)
I will try to have a meeting tonight with my business partner - to do the final selection. Unless someone else does something radical, we will choose one of yours :-)
One question. When we choose the final logo version, and you get paid etc, could we then please have the files delivered in all these formats? If so, that would be really helpful to me :-) - Green on white (EPS and high quality tightly cropped PNG) - Inverse white on green (EPS and high quality tightly cropped PNG) - Monochrome black on white (EPS and high quality tightly cropped PNG) - Monochrome inverse white on black (EPS and high quality tightly cropped PNG)
I checked out the download. You do not need to have small and medium bitmaps - just the large one, and I want the bitmaps as PNG - not JPG, and I want them tightly cropped, please. Also, like you confirmed, I would like the following variations: - Green on white (EPS and high quality tightly cropped PNG) - Inverse white on green (EPS and high quality tightly cropped PNG) - Monochrome black on white (EPS and high quality tightly cropped PNG) - Monochrome inverse white on black (EPS and high quality tightly cropped PNG)