@ #2: Not bad! The only thing is, that 90% of our customers come with a motorhome, not a trailer. So it would be nice, if you change the trailer into a motorhome.
#21: Nice!! I like the new motorhome with a blue sky. But why did you put a roof over the motorhome??
Can you please work on the writing of "Maß-Schneider" and "Die Caravan-Polster". We are looking for best readability (go 3m away from your monitor ;-). Maybe the claim should not be in capitals.
Thank you again for great feedback. As regarding roof I just wanted to highlight that it's really motorHOME...anyway I will submit new version without roof. Also I wll work on readability.
Great!!!! Now one more idea. What if the camper drives over a color palette?! To show that we provide all kind of interieur colors. No worries about #35 / #47. I told him the same thing to do. So it was not his idea.
Two versions of camper over color palette In #55 I was trying to incorporate real color palette but I think it looks too complex (nad camper is too small because I needed half of the circle to put palette in) so I've tried abstract one #54 too with less colors. Please let me know your thoughts.
great work! Speaking for the men in the company - we are satisfied.
The women argue that the font would look to masculine/clean... They would like to see one entry with a more feminine font (a bit into the direction of #37, but not that boring). Another comment was, that the color-palette in combination with the blue background of the camper would look like "painter and varnisher". They might have a point here. The color palette is fine, but maybe we should not take the blue background. In #23 you had already a grey background. Can you please play a little with the colors so that it still looks good, but we go a bit away from the "painter and varnisher"-thing?
looks good! The readability is still great, and the women are happy as well. In addition to that, the lower part of the "ß" is agood starting point for the claim. Nice!
Can I have one - probably last - entry from you? I would like to see how the rainbow will look, if you add a zigzag line, like #47 uses. The idea is to bring it even a bit closer to the tailor-issue. Right now it is a rainbow, maybe withe the zigzag-lines it would look more like samples of cloth.
Just for explanation: I put you for a short time on 2 so that your competitor could upload some more logos.
@ #62: Still our favourite in terms of the font and the colors and everything.
But I think the button with the camper and the "rainbow" can be improved.
@ motorhome: Can you simplify the motorhome a bit, so that the drawing is less filigree. Please take out the right window, enlarge the left window a bit and put the door a bitto the right. Additionally have a look at the old company logo at http://www.wohnmobile-polster.de/ it is a bit more round and simple. By reworking the motorhome a bit, I hope that it will be even more easy to recognize.
@ rainbow: again, I think a bit less filigree will improve the idea of different cloth patches. Lets keep the zigzag-idea and reduce the number of patches to 3. Instead ofthe rainbow-colors we should go for our basic colors black and red. That means that the three cloth patches have colors like #61210B, #DF3A01 and #F79F81 (html-colors). Please note, that the colors are just a suggestion, I leave it to you.If you will find a better combination I will appreciate.