Hi, just wanted you to know that I will still consider your logo. My preference is to have another type of symbol, not the globe, as stated in my briefing and comments. But if you give it a more masculine look (put the "Vive" in red), put the "Panamá" word in exactly the same fond (the "Vive" word has a white border, the "Panamá" word doesn't) and make a shadow oval flat, then it could still be a strong candidate for winner.
If you would like to try on the other motive, check my comments and have a look at:
http://common4.csnimages.com/lf/2/hash/2124/1675499/1/Venezia+Grande+Leather+Duffle+Bag+in+Vecchio+Brown.jpghttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2425/3897620084_c7e4cb4cd9.jpgTHANK YOU !!