thanks for your submission. The "Vive" Element reminds me of Speedy Gonzales and Mexico and this is not what I want to get across. Rather than the "Vive" element, it is the "Mundo" element that should spring to the eye. However, I don't like the fond and the black colour of the "Mundo" element. The globe is not super creative, but could be used if you insinuate it with a refinded artistic design. Maybe in between the two words, so it all stands in one line? Another idea would be to replace the globe with another pictorial element representing any of the following: freedom, adventure, nature, goose bump experiences, humanity, cultural exchange, etc. Let your imagination and creativity run wild ... ! :-)
thanks for your new submission. I like the fond of the text a lot better, although what I have in mind is still a bit different. Could you try put the word "vive" in joyful, dynamic handwriting and then the word "mundo" in more settled way (more or less as you have it know). In terms of the pictorial element, I would prefer not to use palm trees as not all of the destinations I will be offering have them. It would be great if you could come up with an artistically designed mark that insinuates ... the world globe, a human smile or something else coming from your creative mind that represents freedom, outdoor, human encounters, goose bump experiences, cultural enrichment, etc. ... something that is more about the experience and what the traveller will feel, rather than focusing on a specific destination feature that is potentially attractive to some, but not to others (like a beach or palm tree). The same is true for the underline that now looks like a desert ... we should drop it all together.
Mel, I just looked at the letter fond again. It still looks too much like a letter from a cartoon (speedy gonzales) or something that would rather attract children. My main target group is 30-45, couples and group of friends...
Hello, I dropped the desert and palm trees altogether and put together other concepts on #145 and #146. The font is called Oz Handicraft BT. Thanks, Mel
we like your logo quite a lot. In the main contest discussion, we already commented on all of the logos which have some at least some aspect to them that we like. Accordingly, could we kindly request you to make the following changes to #146: - Please design another bag that looks less student- like and more sporty elegant. You find an example as attachment in the contest brief (brown leather). Please keep the stickers, but write on them Panamá, Costa Rica, Perú, Brasil y Alemania. - Please take away the shadow of "Vive" and put this word in red. For this word, we would like to have a more dynamic and fun letter fond. The accent has to go on top of the "á" in "Panamá". - It would awesome if you could use instead of the globe a signpost with two or max. three arrows pointing towards the left and right of the person who is looking at the logo. The dimensions as you have them at the moment are great, so hopefully with the signpost it will still all be in perspective.
Hi, Thank you for ranking, I sure hope to maintain it. Here are a few new versions as requested based on the previous message: #151, #152 and #153. Hopefully, these meet your preference. Please, feel free to request for more changes... Thanks, Mel
Hi Mel, thanks for your new submissions and good communication. For simplicity's sake, I would go for the bag in #152 (all brown) and with stickers in one colour (the blue of "Panamá?). For the letter fond and colour in "Panamá", I prefer the style in #153, although there seems to be a bit missing in the "m". For the letter fond and colour for "Vive", I prefer as described in my comments and various designers have delivered (please compared) in a strong, joyful red.
Now the challenge: as I had feared, the logo with the signpost is now driven out of proportion. If we could somehow accomplish a more harmonious logo, I would still like to do the signpost. Here are my suggestions: - Change the bag to the bottom RIGHT of the signpost. Maybe "Vive Panamá" has to go all in one line, then, I don't know ... please try whatever looks best - Simplify the signpost, maybe by putting it in white and playging with shades or boarders to make it visible on a white background. Pin the arrows in front of the trunk (at the moment they are pinned at the back of it). Make two or three arrows point more inwards towards the person who is looking at them, so the element has a more narrow horizontal extension.
Let me know, if you need me to further clarify. THANKS. PS In which time zone are you working?
Hello, I'm in the Pacific Standard time zone. #179, #185 and #186 are the requested revisions, I hope they are what you are looking for. In addition, I submitted #180 and #181 as two travelers holding the globe. The font on "Panamá" for these designs is called Maiandra GD. Thanks, Mel