took some time reading about the attractions in panama and went with a windsurfing theme as it seemed representative of the types of things you were trying to convey in your comments. Feedback welcome.
Hi, thanks for your submission. In my comments, you will see that specific destination features such as palm trees, beach ... or surfing for that matter should NOT be used. The reason is that the target group is defined by a spirit they have in common, NOT by a specific hobby they share. It would be great if you could use one of the symbols that I have suggested in my comments (in the order of my preference at the moment: splashing hands, a trailmarker, a telescope, birds, sun, earth/ globe, a cool looking travel bag or a combination of various of these elements) or any other symbol that is in this line of thought. Thanks for your consideration!
thanks for your new submissions and comment. I understand that you will deliver other ones which are more based on my briefing and comments ... that is great, I appreciate that. You really have it all there and if you just read it carefully it could be an easy win! For example, you are the only one who has submitted something with the splash of water. A trailmarker, the other one of the two ideas I favour at the moment, has not been delivered by anybody ...
Anyway, please find my more detailed feedback to the logos you presented: #33 and 34 Could be a good idea to use a person's thrown up arms as a the first letter for "Vive". However, I think that as you have it at the moment, people wouldn't really understand that they are looking at someone who is splashing water. Maybe if you only leave the upper body, make it bigger and work on the arms and hands (which at the moment don't exist). Maybe it comes out best if you just use a head (so it's recognisable) and elaborated arms and hands. The silhouette as well as the entire logo need to be more subtle/ refined to make a more classy appearance. At the moment, the logo has still a "surfer look& feel", with paint brushes, etc. Please drop the coloured paint brush and ball (in #34) at the end of "Panamá". Could you try red instead of pink?
If I am writing you such extensive comments, it's because I think you can do it ...
Thanks a lot for working so hard on this and for trying to incorporate my preferences. I appreciate that.
#43 Looks a lot better now. It still doesn't knock me off my feet though. Maybe it's because the logo at the moment doesn't transmit fun and great feelings. The fond is too serious/ boring now and the person looks stiff instead of dynamic. I know we were coming from the completely other end with a cool surfer- type brushed logo and I told you that I didn't want that. That's the challenge here: a logo the transmits fun and dynamism and at the same time is classy and appeals to all the people that like to discover exiting places in this world. In this sense, I like the fond type in "Vive" of #44 better. If you imagine the logo to be on top of a website, then the arrow of the trailmarker would point out of the website, the way you have it at the moment. What I had in mind was more a flog with different arrows pointing into the website.
well, it's a justified question Biink asked. I have said many times that a globe is not my favourite and I am still saying that. The thing is that I still haven't received any logo which thrills me for both, the pictorial element AND the design. In other words, the game is wide open to anyone who can convince me in both ...
Here are my latest. I have tried to brighten everything up and give it that excitement feel whilst combining some of your preferred attributes. I really like the result.
#173 Nice one. Thanks a lot. We better simplify a bit: Please drop the telescope, it's too much. We can also do without the triangle shaped sun rays. The signpost would be good if it went standalone to the left and maybe you could simplify by putting it in white colour (using boarders or shades to make it visible on black an white background). The silhouette needs to be two or three more exiting looking/ moving people, but no limitation to hikers only. It would be great if you still had time to give it a final shot. THANKS A LOT
Hey just got another idea: What about designing the silhouettes of two people moving to the right. One stands back just a bit and the other one would be looking through a telescope. It would just be a silhouette, all in blue ...