This is my take on your logo. Inspired by the simplicity of a paper clip, synonymous with MacGyver and bent in a way that it forms a tool. With all due respect, people might think you sell swiss army knives. I believe your name is the most important element to be visible here with a complimenting logo. I've designed these logos based on painting your trucks red to stand out from the sea of white trucks. I've added each version with an option on a white background.
#78 #79 Classy masculine custom wordmark font and italics give the feeling of motion. This logo could be cut from vinyl for your truck with no need for digitally printed vinyl. Less costly and longer lasting 9 year vinyls with infused pigments are available... ask your sign guy I would use Chrome metalized poly vinyl for the paper clip (to give it some flash) White letters for MacGyver and CONSTRUCTION. Burgundy shadows, lines and tag line. All applied directly to your red vehicle. This would also look great on a business card with a white box beside it for Name, Number etc.
#80 #81 - A Classy Serif font... with a script for the tag line.... and different shade of red #82 #83 - Classy masculine custom wordmark font and italics with a san serif tag line. A classy shade of burgundy #84 #85 - The paper clip holding up the string of letters in CONSTRUCTION Yet another shade of red to give you some options #86 #87 - Another font and layout to consider
#107 is terrific! We get the bit about MacGyver defusing the bomb with a paper clip, but fear that such a flimsy, inexpensive item is incongruous with quality construction. Is there something else that can be used? Like the black and the bold very much!
Thank you. MacGyver actually uses a paper clip for more than defusing a bomb. The paper clip represents the MULTI-TOOL, which along with CREATIVITY and INGENUITY can be used to solve ANY problem that might arise. . As stated on this popular toy... "It's the only tool you'll ever need" I think most people relate the paper clip tool with MacGyver. Perhaps ask a friend or family member for their opinion.
I understand your fears that such a flimsy, inexpensive item is incongruous with quality construction BUT I think you are overlooking the fact that it is representational. If I saw your truck driving down the street, my mind would quickly put two and two together and think that these people can do anything to solve any problems. That's MacGyver! I feel that this famous name, alongside this famous symbol, carries a story... and stories sell.
We understand what your feelings are, although several people who have viewed the contest express the same concern about the paper clip. We love the font treatment. Can we see a version with no paper clip (or something else if you're inclined). We also like the font for Construction in #86 better than in #107. And we'd like to see it without the tagline. It's just getting too busy and full.