1 2 3 Dollar StoresLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / 1 2 3 Dollar Stores

1 2 3 Dollar Stores has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 194 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.








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It's an interesting take. I'd like to see it with sharper, brighter colors and also to see what it looks like with dollar stores to the right as well as under. I'm going back and forth on the $. Sometimes it feels redundant and sometimes I feel it drives home the message.
15 years ago
I've had to make some changes in my requirements. First, It became apparent to me that my desire to make a logo that could split between two signs was too difficult and risked confusing customers and also was probably limiting the designers' creative options.So I've decided to just ask for the best logo possible for one side. What I'll probably end up doing is putting it on the large sign on the left and then repeating the dot part of the logo on the right side. This will give you the freedom to play the layout of the dots and wording instead of restricting you to a long, narrow logo. Also, it occurred to me that this sign is going to be back-lit and that in combination with the fact that we're required to do channel lettering it will be very difficult to use black letters. This is a shame because I love how strong and sharp it looks. You might want to check out my new instructions on the main page. You've done some really great looking stuff here. My concerns is fitting within the restrictions I've been giving for the sign. For instance, 18 looks great but it is all connected so my landlord would probably reject it. Thanks for your great work so far, Roy
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thx for the extra info and I can make changes. Just wondering if you are going to have more stores maybe with another landlord and difernet sign needs? Might be best to do logo first and then have sign guy adapt logo to the sign.
14 years ago
Yes, I hope to have more stores but of course I want to brand myself with the same basic logo. That's why I wanted one that could change shapes to fit the different storefronts but still keep the same feel and concept.
14 years ago
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