
United States
Joined January 2019
Prize *
Shielded Healing
We test for electrical stressors found in every home and office in order to recreate an environment like our ancestors' that is free of electrical stimulation, WIRELESS frequency radiation, and artificial light that doesn't follow the patterns of natural sunlight. Our target audience is people who want to optimize their health and protect their families from these modern technological stressors. Stressors that we have never been exposed to before 150 years ago. Our ancestors had zero electric field or alternating current magnetic stress in their primitive shelters! We are using technology to protect ourselves from technology that stresses the body in order to recreate the same electrical environment humans have always experienced.
Shielded Healing
We test for electrical stressors found in every home and office in order to recreate an environment like our ancestors' that is free of electrical stimulation, WIRELESS frequency radiation, and artificial light that doesn't follow the patterns of natural sunlight. Our target audience is people who want to optimize their health and protect their families from these modern technological stressors. Stressors that we have never been exposed to before 150 years ago. Our ancestors had zero electric field or alternating current magnetic stress in their primitive shelters! We are using technology to protect ourselves from technology that stresses the body in order to recreate the same electrical environment humans have always experienced.
* The Prize Package includes the Designer prize and all LogoTournament fees.
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