Joined December 2021
Prize *
Maverick Farms
Maverick Farms is an outdoor cannabis grow operation/Farm.
Many in our part of the United States believe that the best Cannabis is grown in an indoor environment where everything can be controlled.
We disagree.
We will be harnessing the power of the sun and mother nature to cultivate the finest cannabis. Our Cannabis will be as Nature Intended.
Our culture/community will understand the quality of the cannabis from smoking it as it should be. No grow chemicals or bud condensers. No cutting corners for profit, only the finest that nature can provide.
This brand will be know for doing it the right way, and create a brand loyalty, that many in the space wish for. In a world full of indoor grows,...why not be different, why not smoke different.
Maverick Farms.
Maverick Farms is a subsidiary company under the umbrella of Culture Cannabis Co.
Always Culture Never Commercial is how we intend to operate in the space. This will be evident not in just the parent company, but Maverick Farms as well.
Think Nature, Natural, Organic.
Cowboys/Mavericks challenging the status quo.
Maverick Farms
Maverick Farms is an outdoor cannabis grow operation/Farm.
Many in our part of the United States believe that the best Cannabis is grown in an indoor environment where everything can be controlled.
We disagree.
We will be harnessing the power of the sun and mother nature to cultivate the finest cannabis. Our Cannabis will be as Nature Intended.
Our culture/community will understand the quality of the cannabis from smoking it as it should be. No grow chemicals or bud condensers. No cutting corners for profit, only the finest that nature can provide.
This brand will be know for doing it the right way, and create a brand loyalty, that many in the space wish for. In a world full of indoor grows,...why not be different, why not smoke different.
Maverick Farms.
Maverick Farms is a subsidiary company under the umbrella of Culture Cannabis Co.
Always Culture Never Commercial is how we intend to operate in the space. This will be evident not in just the parent company, but Maverick Farms as well.
Think Nature, Natural, Organic.
Cowboys/Mavericks challenging the status quo.
Culture Cannabis Co.
Culture Cannabis Co. is the parent company of multiple cannabis business’s
Each subsidiary under the umbrella has a specific purpose in the business, however they all play to a culture.
The Culture of doing things the right way, never cutting corners for profit, only for producing the highest quality farm to table cannabis.
Our target audience is anyone of legal age looking to avoid the anti “Big Cannabis” companies that use processes that seek only profit and optimized margins.
Our audience is those seeking the highest quality cannabis flower that they .Can know was grown with a standard of excellence a standard of Culture Cannabis Co.
Culture cannabis is a culture and never commercial.
Culture Cannabis Co.
Culture Cannabis Co. is the parent company of multiple cannabis business’s
Each subsidiary under the umbrella has a specific purpose in the business, however they all play to a culture.
The Culture of doing things the right way, never cutting corners for profit, only for producing the highest quality farm to table cannabis.
Our target audience is anyone of legal age looking to avoid the anti “Big Cannabis” companies that use processes that seek only profit and optimized margins.
Our audience is those seeking the highest quality cannabis flower that they .Can know was grown with a standard of excellence a standard of Culture Cannabis Co.
Culture cannabis is a culture and never commercial.
* The Prize Package includes the Designer prize and all LogoTournament fees.