

LogoTournament Staff
This post will have a number of extra questions that are not fully answered in the FAQ.
11 years ago
LogoTournament Staff

Q: Do you want your contest to be caught be Google? No?

A: Select 'PRIVATE' during the sign up.

Why? Any 3rd party site can record your contest data snippets. Even if you make it private later some code will remain on the internet.

A $50 USD premium is charged for this service.

Q: I want a character, what's a good and fair prize for that?

A: We all know people have budgets, but depending on the task, LT's skilled illustrators will likely NOT look at your contest unless it is significantly higher than the base prize (hint: $400+).

Why? It also takes much longer to create a unique character compared to an icon - especially if your character is uncommon. Designers know their worth and like to think you do too.
11 years ago
LogoTournament Staff

Q: What should my BRIEF include?

A: Be clear, simple but detailed as required. Avoid complicated jargon.

Unclear brief = designers confused / few submissions / unhappy client.

YOUR REFERENCE MATERIAL - visual material is GOOD!

If you own the reference material, make that clear.

If you do not, make that clear.

If you bought a stock image for $XX.XX you probably DO NOT own the image. You have only purchased a LIMITED license. You may not ask designers to use the image in your logo.

Note: If you have information after the contest starts, you can upload by going to the contest page >> scroll down below the style sliders >> the link to upload content is there.

YOUR SLIDERS - Give it some thought. Designers do pay attention.

If you're thinking...'Wow, I really have no clue what I want but I need to say something', please tell designers 'I would like to see your ideas - I am not sure what I want' instead of putting ideas out there that likely won't mean anything.

MEAN WHAT YOU SAY: If you say - "We don't want globes" don't rank globes.

If you change your mind, update designers quickly on subjects like this that could be considered obvious concepts.

Note: Once the contest is started, the brief cannot be changed. You can add information by clicking the 'Update Brief' link on the contest page.
11 years ago
LogoTournament Staff

Q: How much feedback should I give? When should I start? What should say? How do I rank?

A: Give as much feedback as your poor finger(s) will allow. Start early. Designers love to know how you feel. Communication will be the key to your contest's success or failure. Be clear, simple and kind. Clarity is sometimes difficult when you are trying to run your contest, but please put forth every effort; also please don't be vague or mean or patronizing. Please do not ask designers to copy ideas of others.

Rank designs by going to the Rank area and dragging images to the middle, green column. Designs that are not interesting can be moved to the red column on the right. Please don't put many designs in the red column during the first part of your contest. This turns designers away. Try to always leave a top 10 - 20.

Q: Why are no designers entering? When can I expect entries?

A: Designers sit back and think sometimes...this may result in a day or two passing with little results. Sometimes designers will hold off until the last day or two. Don't panic! If you are really worried or need an extension, you can ask support using the HELP link.

Extra information:

Points are awarded at the end of the contest based on rank:

1st - 50 points
2nd - 20 points
3rd - 10 points
4th - 5 points
5th - 5 points
6th - 3 points
7th - 3 points
8th - 3 points
9th - 3 points
10th - 3 points
11th+ - 1 point

Overall site ranking is a total of all points received and is calculated once per day.

Entries that are left with 'New/Unranked' status gain nothing.

Example of vague / mean / patronizing feedback:

'I love this - do more like it.'

'Please give it more 'pop', or 'zing'. It doesn't feel 'poppy' or 'zingy' enough.

'You are the most awesome designer in the universe! Your logo will win for sure. Can you make it pop more?'

'Your design reminds me of [colorful expression]. Why did you enter?'

'Try 50 new fonts please - I am not sure which one I'll like.' ( Hint: Go here then you can be specific. >> )

Good feedback example:

I like how you [explain what you see]. Please try [explain what you want].

Note: PRIVATE feedback to an individual should be made by clicking on the designer's image on the contest page. PUBLIC feedback can be made by scrolling to the bottom of the contest page. All PRIVATE comments remain hidden from access until after the contest (for transparency among designers).

Most definitely DO NOT ask designers to copy or glean ideas from each other (unless your brief is super clear from the start regarding concepts or design).

Please DO NOT ask designers to do anything for free or give you variations of their designs for free - they are not allowed as per site terms. This includes asking for mock ups of business cards etc. It is a basic courtesy we request that respects all of the designers in a given contest. That being said, AFTER the contest feel free to ask the designers almost anything. They'll certainly be happy you're thinking of them.

Please do not ask for email information or the like or contact LT designers during the contest (via email or other means). It is a violation of site terms and can be considered a 'back door deal'. The private message system is provided for your needs in this regard.
11 years ago
LogoTournament Staff

Q: How can I invite friends or colleagues to my contest to rank or give feedback?

A: When you rank a top 5 or more you will see a Friend Feedback link and can invite your friends. If you are using your computer to have friends do the feedback, you will need to delete your browser cookies/history for that time period as the system used by LT conflicts when multiple invitees use the same computer.

Q: I invited friends but they didn't get the link or can't get in.

A: Some email hosts are aggressive with spam filtering. You can try to resend the link to your invitees. Sometimes simply waiting a few hours can change the outcome.
11 years ago
LogoTournament Staff

Q: Where can I get them?

A: They are available on the contest page via a link.
11 years ago
LogoTournament Staff

Q: What are the phases and how long do they last?


Some extra information:

OPEN PHASE (Phase 1)

All designers can participate. You can and should rank during this phase if you have preferences early. This helps designers know you are interested in your contest.

TOP 5 PHASE (Phase 2):

Top 5 mode allows you rank many designs but only the top five designers can submit. You can rank your top 5 at any time during the contest. Example: You rank the 1st designer in the top five, then four more of his designs in the #2-5 rank. Then, you rank the 2nd designer in the #7 rank with a few of his designs etc. You can rank dozens of designs but only the top five ranked designers will be able to submit.


Only the #1 designer may submit - you can switch out any designer into or out of the #1 rank.


When you are ready, rank your top ten designs. The top 3 MUST be DIFFERENT designers. This is to allow site points to be distributed more fairly.

When the winner is selected, the designer chosen will upload the EPS and the JPG for you. You then 1) download 2) examine 3) approve the files by logging in and clicking 'Approve Files' on the contest page.

See further down for an explanation of your two file types.
11 years ago
LogoTournament Staff

Q: Can I purchase the designs of other designers which are not winners?

A: Yes - You must make private arrangements via PM (or email) to pay the Designer for preparation of the extra files. We recommend offering a fair market value price or allowing them to offer you a quote. You will be responsible for creating a contract with the Designer(s). You may modify the contract delivered to you at the end of your contest for this purpose.

Additionally, in cases where a prize split may be arranged, the winning designer will receive the prize and pay the second designer the accepted amount.

Q: How do I contact a designer with questions or to purchase a design?

A: To PM (private message) a Designer:
1) click the image you like, bringing you to their submission page.
2) click 'Designer Profile' (upper left) to get to their Designer page.
3) click 'Send Private Message.'

Note: Please do not exchange emails until after a winner is chosen.
11 years ago
LogoTournament Staff

Q: What is an EPS file. How does it work?

A: EPS files are comprised of objects enclosed by dynamic outlines that can be infinitely resized.

EPS files are industry standard and can be sized by any Designer with the appropriate program (Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw) without loss of quality.

This is the file most printers will want from you to make business products.

Q: What is a JPG? How does it work?

JPG/GIF/BMP are raster files which are made using pixels and are used in applications for the web and in word processing documents. JPG/GIF/BMP/PSD files will degrade and become blurry if enlarged.
11 years ago
LogoTournament Staff

Q: What is that? Why did my design that I liked get removed?

A: This is a mechanism given to designers to help keep idea theft to a minimum. It works. Sometimes clients get caught in the middle. If you do, please contact support.

LT respects the rights of designers to protect unique ideas. Often such problems arise due to designer ignorance or misunderstanding or a misplaced comment by a contest holder. It is rare that a good result cannot be had and we will work hard to make the fairest decision if asked to look in whether that be for the designer or the client.
11 years ago
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