I hope that all Contest Holders consider DAZ as a designer. I was so pleased with how helpful he was during and after the contest. Because he responded so quickly, I was able to get the perfect logo for my project. I was surprised how many designers never responded to my comments and how some waited until there was less than an hour left in the contest to submit an entry giving me no time to respond.
DAZ was outstanding to work with and I highly recommend him!
DAZ was outstanding to work with and I highly recommend him!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you Linda, highly appreciate it :)
It was a pleasure working with you and i am more then glad i created you a logo you considered perfect for your project and that worked well for it.
It was a pleasure working with you and i am more then glad i created you a logo you considered perfect for your project and that worked well for it.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Daz - how do you do it? How is it that you are the only one who ever gets mentioned and gets those extra "kudos" from the CH's here?
Geez, I guess we all need to learn a bit from you!
Geez, I guess we all need to learn a bit from you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I guess all contest holders go through a great overall experience working around with me, like Linda mentioned, during and after the contest.
So they are really happy from my quality of service during and after, they are obviously pleased and happy with the logo's i've created for them and their business and therefore they feel like mentioning it and giving proper credits to everyone and sharing it.
I guess now you learned a bit from me, and so will others, which is good, isn't it ?
By looking at this forum and the amount of contest holders mentioning other designers and giving them extra kudos, including yourself, i do not see it as me being the only one.
So they are really happy from my quality of service during and after, they are obviously pleased and happy with the logo's i've created for them and their business and therefore they feel like mentioning it and giving proper credits to everyone and sharing it.
I guess now you learned a bit from me, and so will others, which is good, isn't it ?
By looking at this forum and the amount of contest holders mentioning other designers and giving them extra kudos, including yourself, i do not see it as me being the only one.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
6 total discussion comments, 10 or 12 total entries. that is truly amazing.
seems like if you ask for some public props, you will get them. so that would be my suggestion, fat kid. JUST ASK. ;)
seems like if you ask for some public props, you will get them. so that would be my suggestion, fat kid. JUST ASK. ;)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I usually get PM's and personal emails. Taking the time to write personally means more to me than public kudos.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Raspy said:
I usually get PM's and personal emails. Taking the time to write personally means more to me than public kudos.
I do get a lot of those as well.
So are you bunch of designers who are just hijacking this kudos thread of mine to have side talks about any other subject that is not related to it ?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I think we need to bring this back on topic...simply because this is the General Discussion area. All the CH's and Potential Ch's don't need to see us snipping at each other.
14 years ago
I didn't mean to cause controversy. I'm in sales and find it natural to thank people both privately and publically. On another note, I'd be curious why people wait until the final hour to submit entries. This is third contest I've participated in and it has happened everytime. It gave us no time to consider those entries.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
LindaDavis said:
I didn't mean to cause controversy. I'm in sales and find it natural to thank people both privately and publically. On another note, I'd be curious why people wait until the final hour to submit entries. This is third contest I've participated in and it has happened everytime. It gave us no time to consider those entries.
No controversy. No worries. :)
And of course you have time to consider the last minute designs! The entire judging mode allows you to review the designs and request revisions if you want. You may re-rank as many times as you see fit. The 1st place entrant may submit new entries during judging. :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
LindaDavis said:
I didn't mean to cause controversy. I'm in sales and find it natural to thank people both privately and publically. On another note, I'd be curious why people wait until the final hour to submit entries. This is third contest I've participated in and it has happened everytime. It gave us no time to consider those entries.
I only join in the very last 1 hour of the contest. I tend to work great under pressure and it is an extra stimulus for me to win a contest in the last minute.
This is just how I work, some others work using the same method.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
LindaDavis said:
I didn't mean to cause controversy. I'm in sales and find it natural to thank people both privately and publically. On another note, I'd be curious why people wait until the final hour to submit entries. This is third contest I've participated in and it has happened everytime. It gave us no time to consider those entries.
Just do it as a strategy of their own or personal choice. But now they are made aware that to some CH's it is no good as they need time to review and consider it and ask for changes.
14 years ago
Daz, great work on the "Learn Arabic Online" logo. I'm sending a PM once I'm done submitting this post regarding a couple of side graphics. Hopefully you'll consider.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
spdude said:
Daz, great work on the "Learn Arabic Online" logo. I'm sending a PM once I'm done submitting this post regarding a couple of side graphics. Hopefully you'll consider.
Thanks, my pleasure to do your other side graphics needed as well.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
LindaDavis said:
I hope that all Contest Holders consider DAZ as a designer. I was so pleased with how helpful he was during and after the contest. Because he responded so quickly, I was able to get the perfect logo for my project. I was surprised how many designers never responded to my comments and how some waited until there was less than an hour left in the contest to submit an entry giving me no time to respond.
DAZ was outstanding to work with and I highly recommend him!
DAZ was outstanding to work with and I highly recommend him!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
RaspyDesign said:
Daz said:
Who are you thanking 2.5 months later?
14 years ago