
Logo Designer
Today I am the ripe old age of 40 years old, but I do not feel any different.

You know you are older when you get 1 single candle on your birthday cake. LOL :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Happy Birthday Muzski:)
The good news is, i have heard 40 is no longer "over the hill"
The new over the hill age is 65:)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
glendon said:
Happy Birthday Muzski:)
The good news is, i have heard 40 is no longer "over the hill"
The new over the hill age is 65:)

Ha ha ha.. good one, mate. I was wound up by a friend of mine, who is 63, that I would start thinking about chair-lifts, pension, insurance, etc. Basically daytime telly advert produce for the soft-minded. :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
40 and still alive?! Bravo Muz'
14 years ago
Logo Designer
satto said:
40 and still alive?! Bravo Muz'

Barely, Satto. ;-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hey happy bday !
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Happy Birthday!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Happy Birthday Muzski!! We dont know very much each other but I think you are a fabulous person!

Have a nice day!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
5tarv1ng_4rt1st said:
hey happy bday !

Thanks 5tarv1ng_4rt1st. I will. :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Loquaz said:
Happy Birthday!

Cheers Loquaz. And good day to you. :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Monse said:
Happy Birthday Muzski!! We dont know very much each other but I think you are a fabulous person!

Have a nice day!

Hey Monse, cheers for that. I have never met you either, but you sound like a top notch bloke. Enjoy the rest of the World Cup madness. :-)
14 years ago
Happy birthday! Your life is just beginning!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
vicmoutz said:
Happy birthday! Your life is just beginning!

Thanks vicmoutz. Should I be wearing nappies again? ;-) LOL
14 years ago
muzski said:
vicmoutz said:
Happy birthday! Your life is just beginning!

Thanks vicmoutz. Should I be wearing nappies again? ;-) LOL

No! I think you can skip this part now.... you have enough experience! ;-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Happy Birthday! Right behind you..(6 months)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
vicmoutz said:
No! I think you can skip this part now.... you have enough experience! ;-)

Wise words, vicmoutz! Ha ha ha ha!! :-) )))
14 years ago
Logo Designer
K Carroll said:
Happy Birthday! Right behind you..(6 months)

Thanks, K Carroll, and good luck to you too in the magical world of being 40. :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
HB...welcome to the golden age Muz.. :)
God bless you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
TC said:
HB...welcome to the golden age Muz.. :)
God bless you!

Tah, TC. :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Happy Bday M.,

I heard 40s are the new 20s a true 20-year old and throw a party everybody will talk about for months...or will try to forget...either way ;))))

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Happy B' old are where i'll be in 3 years.... :D
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Vene, I will try to remember that one the next time my back goes. LOL :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
mkdes!gn said:
Happy B' old are where i'll be in 3 years.... :D

Less of the 'old man', cheeky mkdes!gn. Another year closer to death. Hurrah! ;-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
don't say the death, 40 years old is happiness, one of which is a second puberty ? ;-))
14 years ago
Logo Designer
TC said:
don't say the death, 40 years old is happiness, one of which is a second puberty ? ;-))

Sorry, I was being a wee bitty sarcastic, TC. Anyhow, the life expectancy of males in my family, is usually not that long. So I better enjoy it as best as I can then. :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll be 41 in September. I have still have one child in diapers, so I have to be a "young mom," whether I'm actually young or not. No choice in the matter. My mother did the same thing (I was born when she was 40), and she's about to turn 82 and doing pretty darn well. Worked for her! Just don't act your age. I'm going to go take some vitamins. :) Happy Birthday!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Happy Birthday! :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
ApatiniDesign said:
I'll be 41 in September. I have still have one child in diapers, so I have to be a "young mom," whether I'm actually young or not. No choice in the matter. My mother did the same thing (I was born when she was 40), and she's about to turn 82 and doing pretty darn well. Worked for her! Just don't act your age. I'm going to go take some vitamins. :) Happy Birthday!!!

Kudos to you, ApatiniDesign. That is the way to do it, just act as you feel, not your actual age.
My Mum was 19 when I was born.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Anna Design said:
Happy Birthday! :)

Thanks Anna. :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Happy Birthday Muz..
Wish you all the best.. :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Ups.. double post..
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Ginta said:
Happy Birthday Muz..
Wish you all the best.. :)

Thank you, Ginta. Have a lovely day. :-)
14 years ago
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