
Disappointed in number of entries and creativity

I have used this site before and was satisfied with the results. But not this time. There is still 3 plus days left in my contest. Let's see what happens. Will have to stop recommending this site to other companies unless we get some going here FAST!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Do not worry, the thing is there are much more contests going on at the same time then maybe the time you held your other contests, usually or i suppose thats the case with most top designers, they got caught in other contests and can't keep up with more then 6 - 8 ones at the same week for example and might have missed out on noticing yours thats all. But now you've posted that here, they would.

I will be entering your contest and try to come up with something satisfying or good enough for you as a start to go on from there.

Best regards,

15 years ago
Logo Designer
There is usually a flood of new entries once your contest hits the first page. Only issue then is that you don't have as much time to refine the logos with the designers.
Constant feedback usually gets designers going, ranking up to 30 designs helps.
Also, if you're not happy with the number of entries, you can choose to extend the contest. - An explanation to the designers is nice when you do that.
If I come up with an idea for your design, I'll definitely submit one...


15 years ago
I already extended for 5 days.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
As a designer , i don't continue working on something unless i get feedback to know where to go from the first draft . Otherwise it will be a waste of time for the designer and contest holder.

It's very healthy to comment on each design if it was of interest and go from there ......

So 2 major things affects entries :
1- Prize
15 years ago
Logo Designer
feedback feedback feedback feedback feedback

i apologize for the above poster.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
FEEDBACK is GOLDEN:) The more you leave, the more ideas, guaranteed:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I agree totally that giving detailed feedback is very vital when holding a contest. A lot of CH's leave the designers to guess and magically come up with the perfect logo for their company. Leaving feedback to the designers is very beneficially to the CH in getting exactly or as close to the idea of what they are looking for. There are a lot of contests on here where the CH's are not leaving feedback and it gets very frustrating and is a waste of time to even enter the contest. There should be a rule on LT or some sort of guidlines for CH's to leave feedback because it is very crucial in the design process.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Well said, zero and tini1! Most of the designers are not mind-readers or telepath guys so ANY feedback is important.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
bugy why are you apologizing for another designer????
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Because I called out the CH for the obvious disregard and lack of respect for the work already done by the community for his contest. And then following that pearl up with a threat.

No apology pending on my part.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
because another designer had a childish tantrum and made us all look bad.
15 years ago
Ya know... this site is a business... the designers are business people (attempting to "sell" their design) - and of course, we are business people looking to purchase a design. If planetextreme isn't happy, so-be-it - there will be MANY people behind him/her who are extremely satisfied with the quality and diversity offered here.

But - as any business person will tell you - customer service is (more than) 1/2 the battle. If your client is rude, then you're twice-as-nice.

And planetextreme - I checked out your contest. I don't know what you're looking for, but you sure have some great designs to choose from.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Kevin said:

If your client is rude, then you're twice-as-nice.

heh i like that.
thats what i was trying to say. it doesnt matter how much you might not like what they have to say, the client is always right because at the end of the day its them you are trying to please. regardless of how bad their taste or manners are.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
yea i totally agree with you there speedlogo, i sort of left that out of my above post.
i guess what i should have said is:

the client is always right for so long as you choose to participate in that contest.

better? =)
15 years ago
I agree. There's a difference between "the client is always right" and "be professional." We've fired a few clients. I like the line, "I don't think we're the right company for your project." But we're never rude.

bugy - never let the client take advantage of you. The client can have whatever they want, provided they're willing to pay the price. Clients will, by nature, try to get as much as they can for as little as they can get away with spending. You have to place value on your work which, in turn, will make your work more valuable.

There will always be people who want the cheapest price and don't recognize the value associated with great service. Those are the people who (in our business) choose folks from the Home Depot parking lot for their projects. And, often, we're called-in later to fix it and make it better. Sometimes those clients can be educated, and sometimes they can't. When they can't, you move on and look for someone else.
15 years ago
In defense of the clients, the website gives little information about how the designers are ranked. I have probably pissed off some of you by moving designs that were not interesting to the "not interesting" pile. No instruction ever told me that rankings matter for how you earn points.

We have not gotten many interesting entries to date, and it seems like whatever is ranked in the top designs just draws similar entries. I don't really like any of them so far, and am hoping to see some variety. I have left comments on the contest and on individual designs, and again that feedback system is not well explained to the new CH. There is not even an explanation of the feedback to the designer vs overall contest comments.

Give the clients a break and pressure Quinn Ventures to work on a better feedback system that requires CH participation, not just suggests it. If the CH is required to rank everything, you guys can get points for every design and we will have more entries for our contests.

If the Designers will enter my contest, I promise to rank every design and leave feedback to each designer.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm totally okay with being put in the "NOT INTERESTED" pile if the client truely isn't interested. This lets me know right quick if I'm not in the ballpark and keeps me from pursuing and tweaking a design that isn't going to make the cut. Better to know what the client's preferences are so I don't keep beating a dead horse. I also don't think I should be awarded a ribbon just for participating. I want to be fairly judged on my design merit. It means more.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
mblocko the ranking issue is a keenly contested issue of late, your exactly right, pressure should be applied to the people who give the guidelines, it is not a discussion that client and designer should be entering into.

Unfortunately many designers are directing clients on how to rank based on their own opinions which is creating many problems. I would urge you to rank the contest how you think fit, not how a designer or mod thinks appropriate (admin is another matter).

If other clients can follow your lead and aim for a high level of communication the quality of designs will improve. If a design is not interesting from your point of view... bin it quick smart. Feedback and ranking is letting people know when they are on track, its not a charity system to make us feel better... So use the system to get what you want in whatever way possible (within the rules), this will be doing yourself a favor and the community of designers!

Good luck ;)
15 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
I think the approach needs to be making it easier for clients to leave feedback, instead of forcing them to leave feedback on every entry. I've got a few ideas in the works for this.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Yeah, always no feedback. I believe many CH rank the designers, not the designs.
Feedback makes CH meet their requirement plus stimulating designers to do better.
Hei... everybody needs to make their first step ! (esp. newbie). Fair contest, be reasonable, please! :/
just 'Not Interested' -> is the coldest word of hell :o
15 years ago
I agree with the designers on here ... it is important to choose your customers carefully. As a new client I am trying to give feedback ... it would be good to hear back from your side if what I am saying is of any interest or use to the designers ... a two way process I hope
15 years ago
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