
how to get transparent background

I am about to judge my contest, and i had requested the entries have a colored background, because some entries will have white font. Even though i need the final logo to have no background color (be transparent).

I am having a difficult time communicating this to the designer because of language barriers.

should i select the winner with a background color or keep trying to explain. is this something simple that I can just have resolved after the judging?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
When you get the EPS file - you can open it up and delete the background layer which should make it transparent. Also - you can ask if they will be willing to provide a transparent PNG file which also has a transparent background and can be placed anywhere.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
@sharkcap - yes, it can easily be resolved after the contest is over. We can guide either you or the winning designer through the neccessary steps.
14 years ago
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