But, Jeff, I'm not sensitive about it.
All I did was ask if the contest was over. I didn't complain one way or the other if it was or if it wasn't. Designers have a need to know this, I just wrote what other people were thinking.
There are no comments from me in PMs or on the main page of your contest or on my own submissions page of the contest complaining about **anything**.
You wrote the long diatribe in the Forums about not getting any more submissions.
I am NOT the one complaining here.
The only thing I said to you in my PM -- which I will reprint here if any other designer or MOD wants to see it -- is that yes LT is fun for me and not a full time job and unfortunately I don't have any more time to do any more designs for you........... and somehow you took that personally and immediately unchecked all of my entries.
Saying that I wanted others to stop trying is just putting words into my mouth, and you know it. Especially since I have sent you at least THREE PMs this week with the exact words saying I wish you well and I know you will get some great designs, and I quote:
I am doing perfectly fine here, except for an apparent communication breakdown with you.
All I did was ask if your contest was over. Think about that for a second. That's all I asked. And now you've turned it into this.
Other designers have made very similar comments in other contests, without the Contest Holder losing their cool.
Here is a good example!
A great designer Tahia entered in a contest for Cary's Of Maui (which I also entered).
https://logotournament.com/contests/cary_s_of_maui/by/tahiadesignShe put in 1 design, and then wasn't getting any feedback on the first day, so she left this message for the Contest Holder:
And did the Contest Holder lose his cool and post about it in the Forums?
He actually responded to her question and look she got some feedback and now she has a terrific design on that contest and I really hope she wins it.
That's one way you could have handled my question.
Imagine if Cary (the Contest Holder) responded to her in the same way that you just went OVERBOARD with me. (God, that was a perfect pun). Cary wouldn't have that great design.
There is no rule I am breaking for publishing the URL to the comments you were making to another designer. That is what they are they for, for EVERYONE to see. That is why anyone can click on them. It's not private discussion. I am sorry if you did not understand this, but all comments (except in PMs) are there for everyone to see. It helps designers know what the Contest Holder wants if we can read eachother's comments.
I think you are just confused by this process, and for your $300 somehow you think we are at your beck and call to create tonnes of designs for you, and I'm sorry that's just not the way it works. The designers have no obligation to you, until the contest is over and you pick one design and money changes hands.
There, I am putting words into your mouth now.
You really didn't need to write a long diatribe in the Forums, I think that was a bit much.
You'll get your great designs, just stop complaining about it and wait for it to happen and give each designer good feedback and tell them what you want instead of expecting them to read your mind and you will do just fine.
I'm not the sensitive one. I've run my own design business for the last 5 years, and I've been working in design for 20 years (since 1989) and all of my clients love me. Otherwise in this economy I wouldn't have a job, would I?
You have to remember also that you are not the only Contest Holder on here, and that designers have the choice of MANY contests to enter which most will do instead of wasting time with just one contest. It's playing the numbers game.
I am still confused about your comment "[my] designs weren't appealing to you" when I have comments from you on my submissions page stating the EXACT opposite of that, that in fact you said you did like my designs.
https://logotournament.com/contests/activecaptain/by/gonorthAnd again I quote:
Well if you didn't actually like them and were just being nice to me, that's fine.
I think you just have a problem dealing with creative people sometimes. My opinion of course.
It's cool, it happens, not everyone will always get along, but I don't want you to have any hard feelings about this or especially about Logo Tournament.
I am sorry though... for your $300 you don't get to get personal about it and then expect me to not say anything in return. I am not disrupting anything. You are still getting new designs, be patient. At least 3 brand new designs have come in SINCE I posted my "Is this contest over?" comment so again I am not disrupting anything.
This all could have been hashed out in a Private Message to me, instead of turning it into this.
Thanks again for considering me when we could communicate. I've got another logo out of this contest that I like to add to my portfolio, and (again as I have said to you at least three times in private messages) I am happy with that.
Good luck to you Jeff. Seriously.
Can this be the end of it, and if we have anything else to say to eachother can we not discuss this in PMs? Can the MODs please nuke this thread?
Forget about what has been said here, take a deep breath, and just let the designers of Logo Tournament work their magic. It'll happen, no worries.
-- Matthew