First, I personally apologize for not getting a complete handle on this issue until now, I know this has been a pain so we are definitely very sorry for it.
So far I see the following responses sent out by Ivan
May 27th, 6:49pm
May 27th, 7:42pm
May 31st, 9:31am
The last email stated:
It is clear now by your comment regarding trying to launch your contest that your payments did not in fact go through. I did a basic check of our PayPal received records and there is no record of a transaction. Therefor the initial gateway decline obviously prevented payment although your cc online statement may have shown it. We have experienced this on 1 or 2 occasions in the past year to my recollection. The cc statement of the customer is adjusted to neutral by the company within a few business days.
Therefore in this situation there is no money to refund and your cc inquiry will likely turn up a neutral statement. If you find the opposite on inquiring, please send us the evidence we'll need and we will be happy to correct the issue. Again, I'm sorry for this delay...if the cc situation resolves itself, I think this contest may not be able to go through unless you are able to use the PayPal express option. We have no control over gateway declines.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Ivan Fedorowich
I'm doing a thorough investigation on this right now, but it appears Paypal had some technical issues for a matter of minutes, and we never received any funds for the new contest that Zenith was trying to launch. If there was a record of the transactions, we would simply refund them ASAP. We've had 130 contests launch successfully since this issue, so it definitely appears to be an isolated case.
We had no issue with Zenith's first contest which he appears to be happy with. I'm following up with Zenith directly to see if this has resolved itself, if not I will involve our Paypal account manager.